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Fred Meyer

Fred Meyer

Fred Meyer is tagged in 3 stories.
To Market Sustainability, Focus on What Consumers Love, Not What They Hate
To Market Sustainability, Focus on What Consumers Love, Not What They Hate

5 years ago - Early marketing for products promising sustainability was all about what they “weren’t.” Tofurky wasn’t meat. Soy milk wasn’t dairy. Solar wasn’t coal. Positioning against the negative helped companies attract consumers who were revolting against the polluting impacts of standard manufacturing practices and products. But doing so ignored what potential customers still wanted, whether a product was sustainable or not: delicious taste, high performance, reliable quality and comfort, and overall satisfaction. Consider the ominous ads for the first Prius, which started running in 2001. The only virtue they extolled was fuel efficiency, and portrayed oil drills as monsters.

How Beyond Meat Is Turning the 'Meat' Aisle into the 'Protein' Aisle
How Beyond Meat Is Turning the 'Meat' Aisle into the 'Protein' Aisle

6 years ago - Is your grocery store’s meat aisle becoming obsolete? If it’s started carrying Beyond Burgers and sausages, it might be. That’s not because meat as we know it — the kind made from animals — is disappearing (at least not yet). Rather, the credit (or blame) goes to entrepreneurs such as Beyond Meat’s Ethan Brown, who argues convincingly that “protein aisle” is not only the more accurate way to describe the offerings there, but also the best location for his own Beyond Burger, a “muscle” made from peas that is so succulent and juicy you’d swear it came from a cow.

The Soulfull Project Targets Food Insecurity with 1M Serving Donation Goal
The Soulfull Project Targets Food Insecurity with 1M Serving Donation Goal

6 years ago - Just one year after its launch, The Soulfull Project — a mission-driven startup dedicated to making high-quality, nutritious food more accessible to those in need — has pledged to donate one million servings of its signature, nutrient-dense hot cereal to food banks across the country over the next two years.