1 in 3 US high school students say they feel helpless when it comes to climate change and its effects. Much of this can be attributed to the lack of adequate teaching on the subject, and instruction on how students can feel more empowered.
MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The auto giants are collaborating with makers of hemp- and flax-based materials that reduce weight and manufacturing emissions and enhance recyclability.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Current, fragmented approaches to fashion circularity are failing to achieve commercial viability and scale. Deeper collaboration with logistics partners can streamline operations and aid compliance with tightening regulatory requirements.
REGENERATION & RESILIENCE - In our VUCA world, the ability to adapt and thrive amid compound challenges is crucial. Here are just a few examples of future-proof models for communities, businesses, ecosystems, technologies and more that have us excited about the growing resilience movement.
SUPPLY CHAIN - These laws have been several years in the making — enough time for proactive companies to develop mechanisms to ensure their supply chains are free of deforestation, human rights abuses and forced labor. And while Europe is leading, other markets are likely to follow.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY - The collaboration will see end-of-life tires transformed through pyrolysis into elastomers, which Bridgestone can then use to produce new tires.
REGULATION & PUBLIC POLICY - Divert’s Food Waste Legislative Tracker offers a state-by-state look, as well as numerous touchpoints for anyone interested in food policy to get involved.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY - In partnership with EY and USAID, the CIRCLE Alliance collaborative model of enterprise acceleration will help scale new and existing solutions for packaging circularity in areas where plastic pollution is especially severe.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - The new product, 60% minced beef mixed with 40% pea protein, aims to reduce environmental impact while providing customers with a familiar taste at a lower cost: It has a 37.5% lower carbon footprint — and is 33% cheaper — than traditional ground beef.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY - In this first of a four-part series, we look at the three pillars of the frugal economy and their transformative impact on businesses, industries, communities and the environment.
MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Economic models shift slowly, and consumer habits are hard to break. A shift from linearity to circularity won’t happen overnight, but there are tangible ways businesses can help consumers shift their behaviors today.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - The Next-Generation Pet Food Program aims to scale sustainable innovations for the pet food value chain, with a focus on sustainable proteins and fats.
SUPPLY CHAIN - From food and beverages to apparel, more commodity supply chains are getting a resilience boost through a transition to regenerative-agriculture practices. Join us in October as forward-thinking brands from these industries come together to discuss the significant environmental, economic and social benefits being reaped.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Aspen Distillers’ new, carbon-negative facility — the world’s first LEED Platinum-certified distillery — includes a parcel dedicated to regenerative agriculture and pioneering water re-entry processes, and is designed for net-positive energy use.
NEW METRICS - Replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives across supply chains is one of sustainable business’s biggest challenges. The Safer Chemistry Impact Fund reveals an actionable roadmap to address toxic chemical pollution across consumer product sectors.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - The researchers think adding glass to soil could help prevent wind erosion in coastal regions and ecosystems whose preservation is an increasingly valuable aspect of climate resilience.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - PolyGone Systems has developed the world's first portable, affordable, low-maintenance microplastic collection device — aiming to help restore the health of waterways and marine life worldwide.
INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Remaining competitive in the increasingly crowded EV market will require all automakers to continue integrating cutting-edge technologies and new materials, processes and machinery.
SUPPLY CHAIN - The Farmer Thriving Index — a holistic, standardized way of understanding farmer wellbeing that is grounded in farmer voice — set out to answer a simple question: Are farmers in coffee supply chains thriving, or barely surviving?
ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Misleading consumers on sustainability initiatives will not grow a business, and the legal and reputational ramifications only reinforce that the exaggeration of environmental claims will not deliver on ROI. Here are two tips from our sustainability journey in the wellness space.