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Supply Chain

How organizations are working to address the myriad social, environmental and operational issues that can arise in complex supply chains

Ensuring Food Safety, Traceability Through Quality Certifications

Third-party certifications help food companies such as ours meet and exceed our clients' expectations and allow us to continually expand our knowledge, positioning our teams as experts and leaders in the agri-food sector. Read More...

How to take Scope 3 Emissions from Data to Action

For Scope 3 to be monitored successfully, Scope 1 and 2 emissions reporting must be mandated across all businesses and suppliers, no matter their size. Read More...

ACI Working to Clean Up Cleaning with Sustainable Feedstocks Initiative

We spoke with American Cleaning Institute president & CEO Melissa Hockstad about its collaborative work to improve value chains for chemical feedstocks for everyday products. Read More...

Businesses Weren’t Ready for the 2024 Hurricane Season

Ignoring the reality of climate change is no longer an option; the resilience and sustainability of business now heavily depends on companies’ ability to address and manage their climate exposure. Read More...

The Frugal Economy, Part 3: Global Value Chains Become Hyper-Local Value Networks

By building hyper-local value networks that are open, adaptable and deeply rooted in communities, businesses can gain agility and resilience and maximize sustainable local impact. Read More...

Future-Proofing Olive Farming: Balancing Tradition and Modern Practices

Balancing productivity with sustainability will be crucial to ensuring the long-term viability of olive farming in Spain amidst changing climate conditions. Read More...

Breeding New Hope for the Future of Coffee in a Climate-Changing World

World Coffee Research and its partner brands are directing vital investment and R&D into this globally popular yet critically underfunded, climate-vulnerable crop. Read More...

Certification Not Enough to Uphold EU’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Laws

These laws have been several years in the making — enough time for proactive companies to develop mechanisms to ensure their supply chains are free of deforestation, human rights abuses and forced labor. And while Europe is leading, other markets are likely to follow. Read More...

Field Notes: How Major Brands Are Cultivating Regenerative Supply Chains

From food and beverages to apparel, more commodity supply chains are getting a resilience boost through a transition to regenerative-agriculture practices. Join us in October as forward-thinking brands from these industries come together to discuss the significant environmental, economic and social benefits being reaped. Read More...

Smallholder Voices Are Critical in Ethical Supply Chains

The Farmer Thriving Index — a holistic, standardized way of understanding farmer wellbeing that is grounded in farmer voice — set out to answer a simple question: Are farmers in coffee supply chains thriving, or barely surviving? Read More...

Fashion Revolution to Brands: ‘Put Your Money Where Your Emissions Are’

New Fashion Revolution report calls out the world’s largest fashion brands for not investing in a fair transition away from fossil fuels or in protecting workers from extreme-weather events and other threats to their livelihoods. Read More...

Scientists Discover New Plants That Could Lead to Climate-Proof Chocolate

Discovery of three new species in the Western Amazon could pave way for more climate-proof cacao production — and shows how many treasures are still yet to be discovered in Earth's biodiversity. Read More...

This DTC Marketplace Fosters Fairer Trade for Smallholder Food Producers

R-ainbow connects small food producers around the world with nearby buyers in real time — reducing logistical expenses and emissions, and boosting prices for farmers and transparency and trust within the food supply chain. Read More...

90% of World’s 2K Most Influential Companies Falling Short on Human Rights

The World Benchmarking Alliance calls on leaders — including policymakers and investors — to ensure companies are held accountable for meeting fundamental societal expectations through four priority areas, and outlines ways to help. Read More...

This Partnership Is Set to Slash Scope 3 Emissions in the Meat Sector

New partnership between the Meat Institute and Supplier LOCT signifies a pivotal moment in the effort to tackle the climate impacts of our food system and offers a template for other industries to follow. Read More...

More Companies Cutting Deforestation Out of Supply Chains

Barriers remain, particularly around data; but a joint AFi-CDP report finds 7% of companies assessed have eliminated deforestation from at least one supply chain. Read More...

Could GMOs Increase Global Food Security in a Changing Climate?

While there are still unknowns regarding the long-term ecosystem impacts of genetically modified crops, their potential benefits merit another look before climate change takes an irreversible toll on our food system. Read More...

Regenerative Ag Practitioners Gather to Share Notes from the Field

Thursday at SB Brand-Led Culture Change, a variety of stakeholders driving regenerative agriculture shared insights on demystifying regenerative ag for consumers, quantifying regenerative sourcing and creating resilience in cotton production. Read More...

New Guide Outlines 7 Principles for Partnering with Frontline Communities

The Business Guide to Advancing Climate Justice grounds its principles in the experiences of the communities most affected by climate change to empower businesses to prioritize regenerative practices and social responsibility. Read More...

Despite Global Commitments, Deforestation Is Surging: 5 Ways Companies Can Right the Ship

October’s commitment by the countries home to our major rainforests — as well as prior agreements from COP, the US and the EU — show serious intent. Here’s how companies can effectively protect critical biodiversity. Read More...

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