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Supply Chain

How leading companies, NGOs and solution providers are working to address the myriad issues that can arise in any supply chain.

From Mealworms to Meals: How Ÿnsect Is Cultivating a Food Revolution

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. The French company is poised to meet the nutrition challenges posed by a growing population and a climate- and resource-challenged agricultural future.

How General Mills Is Collaborating to Scale a Resilient Ag Revolution

Cross-Posted from Collaboration. The global foodmaker has joined forces with Regrow Ag to cultivate resilience throughout its agricultural supply chain — and encourages other food companies to follow suit.

Is the Chocolate Industry Ready for Europe’s Strict Due Diligence Requirements?

The EU’s mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence laws will require companies, traders and farmers around the world to rethink how they source major commodities. But cacao may be the one to watch to see the impacts of these regulations.

Nestlé Advances Efforts to Source Key Ingredients Grown with Regenerative Ag Practices

The food giant is investing to help US farms in its DIGIORNO wheat and tomato supply chains shift to more holistic agricultural practices.

Industry of All Nations’ Undyed Cotton Initiative Shows Proof of Concept for a More Natural End Product

Cross-Posted from Chemistry, Materials & Packaging. The popularity of the company’s undyed apparel collection proves the business case and consumer demand for more consciously produced, less toxic clothing.

10K Farmers, 18 Countries, 8 Commodities & 4 Ways to Co-Create an Equitable, Sustainable Food System

For all the time and money spent examining challenges in global agriculture, little is spent understanding farmers’ perspectives. The Small Farmer Atlas is a starting point for companies and policymakers to center the perspectives of small-scale farmers in the design of sustainability and procurement policies.

New Guide Helps Fashion Brands Take Meaningful, Measurable Action to Protect Nature

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. The report provides a critical introduction for the fashion, textile and apparel industry to setting measurable, science-based targets for nature; and will act as a blueprint for other industries to follow suit.

NextWave Focuses on Inclusive, Equitable Strategies to Turn Plastic Pollution Into a Resource

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. The cross-industry collaborative has reached 80% of its goal of diverting 25K MT of ocean-bound plastic by 2025. Now, it is working to ensure that the plastic is sourced with high ethical standards.

3 Steps for Ensuring Complete, Accurate Primary Supply Chain Data

Primary data is the foundation of a strong sustainability program. This framework will help you effectively and efficiently collect the data you need to map, measure and reduce your supply-chain impacts, and meet reporting requirements.

Tapestry, ASICS Share Insights on Supply Chain Transformation in TrusTrace Traceability Roadmap

Launched in collaboration with Fashion for Good, the Traceability Roadmap provides a step-by-step guide to implementing traceability to achieve ESG, compliance and business goals.

Where to Invest Efforts in the Era of Regulatory Uncertainty

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Between our responsibilities as sustainability professionals and a growing set of topics to learn about, impacts to track and regulations to meet, it’s hard to know where to focus to do the most good. To help distinguish between signal and noise, I take the following approach.

Global Fashion Houses, NGOs Call on Industry to Commit to Deforestation-Free Leather

The Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather calls on brands and retailers to ensure sourcing of bovine leather from deforestation-free supply chains by 2030 or earlier.

Community-Inclusive Supply Chain Helping Regenerate Ecosystems, Economies in South Asia

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. By thinking of suppliers more as business partners, companies such as Tengri are creating new models for ethical, regenerative supply chains.

Mejuri Becomes First Jeweler to Join Regenerative Mining Initiative

The jeweler joins forces with RESOLVE’s Regeneration initiative as part of its long-term vision to redefine sustainable luxury in jewelry.

How 2 Community-Focused Models Are Creating Value for Filipino Coconut Farmers

Creating truly sustainable models that benefit local communities is a serious and often challenging commitment. But the benefits can be tremendous — both for the business and those in impoverished rural farming regions.

Data-Driven Tools Are Helping Brands Address Uyghur Forced Labor in Their Supply Chains

Too many brands have long taken a lackadaisical approach to ensuring their supply chains are free of forced labor risk. That is no longer an option if they intend to walk their ethical talk.

Aquaculture Industry Must Become Regenerative or Fail to Meet Demand by 2050

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Analysis from Planet Tracker finds diversifying farmed seafood production can close supply gap while tackling biodiversity risks, and calls on investors and lenders to help finance this regenerative transition.

Estée Lauder Companies Advances Financial Literacy for Women in Shea Supply Chain

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. The ELC Charitable Foundation’s work supports programs at the intersection of environmental sustainability and social impact, including investments in communities around the ELC supply chain.

Supply Chains Must Be a Key Focus of ESG Strategies — Here’s How to Stay Ahead of the Risk

A recent webinar took a deep dive into building a strategy that makes both business and compliance sense.

Food Companies: The Most Impactful Scope 3 Emissions Solutions Have Multiple Benefits

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. Working towards halving food loss and waste by 2030 will help food and beverage companies mitigate their GHGs across all scopes. Supply chain collaborations and engagements that yield multiple environmental benefits are critical.
