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Arbor Day Impact Fund: A New Engine for Innovation in the Climate Fight

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - By fostering connections between startups and established environmental leaders, we can further amplify the effectiveness of each innovation and create waves of impact.

Upright: The World’s First Database for Measuring Corporate Net Impacts

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - The Upright Project’s net-impact model measures companies’ positive and negative impacts on the environment, health, society and knowledge — enabling smarter decision-making for investors, companies and their customers.

In Sustainability, How Much Is ‘Enough’?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - If your sustainability efforts cannot withstand increasingly tough questions from executives and Board members, your company is not approaching it in the right way. This framework will help you be ready the next time someone asks, ‘how much is enough?’

Comms Industry Alliance Calls for ‘Responsible Communication’ to Become 18th SDG

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - The Global Alliance for PR and Communication Management calls on global leaders, policymakers and stakeholders to recognize the critical importance of responsible communication in achieving a sustainable future — and outlines a multi-pronged approach toward achieving a proposed SDG 18.

Americans Back Sustainable Tech Growth and Education, Jobs to Support It

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - While some climate-mitigation efforts can be polarizing, a new survey by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation reveals significant public support for investments in sustainable technologies.

Reuse and Circularity Pilots Taking Off Inside Major Sports, Entertainment Venues

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Beverage giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are among companies working with partners to swap out single-use cups and trays for reusable serveware systems at big events.

Will New Ecodesign Regulation Make Sustainable Products the Norm for EU Consumers?

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Brands, take heed: This legislation will apply to all products that are sold in Europe, not just manufactured in the region — impacting manufacturers, importers, distributors, retailers and sellers all around the world.

Clif Outdoor Play Initiative Aims to Increase Access to Nature-Based Play Spaces

COLLABORATION & CO-CREATION - Clif's Zbar brand is working with the nonprofit KABOOM! to create modern, outdoor play spaces and increasing the organization's capacity to influence and build a more sustainable playground industry.

Antonioli: Carbon Markets Must Center on Long-Term, Sustainable Development Impacts

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Former Verra CEO David Antonioli believes the carbon market is missing a golden opportunity to design and deploy carbon finance as a powerful transitional tool toward a zero-carbon economy. He outlines his vision in a new, six-part report.

EcoSet: Redirecting Film-Industry Waste for Creative Reuse

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - The film industry is one of the largest producers of unnecessary waste in the world. Avoiding or repurposing that waste has become its own industry within entertainment, and circular service providers such as EcoSet are leading the charge.

Engineering the Future of Circular Packaging in the US Heartland

FROM PURPOSE TO ACTION: BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE TOGETHER - A collaboration between Dow and New Energy Blue aims to make a new biomass refinery in Mason City, Iowa a linchpin in a massive, circular shift for the plastics industry.

This DTC Marketplace Fosters Fairer Trade for Smallholder Food Producers

SUPPLY CHAIN - R-ainbow connects small food producers around the world with nearby buyers in real time — reducing logistical expenses and emissions, and boosting prices for farmers and transparency and trust within the food supply chain.

US’ Outdated Composting Infrastructure Offers Golden Investment Opportunity

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - New report from the Composting Consortium provides landscape analysis of existing compost infrastructure, markets and business models; and blended-finance opportunities to scale organics circularity.

Study Explores Marketing Tactics for Lower-Impact Menstrual Products

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Disposable menstrual products are a less-talked-about but major contributor to global plastic pollution. A recent study investigated consumer preferences and devised guidelines to bolster adoption of more sustainable options in different markets.

Report: 6 Strategies for Building Nature-Positive, Circular Economy for Europe

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation outlines six circular strategies to transform Europe’s built environment that will boost economic activity, increase climate resilience, and make cities more vibrant places to live and work.

What Consumer Data Can Tell Us About the Future of Sustainability

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - While the values-action gap still exists, consumer research helps organizations understand their audience motivations and who is buying their product, or expand their audiences to growing numbers of sustainability-conscious shoppers.

Foodtech Innovators Spill the Beans on Climate-Proofing Coffee

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - These two startups are fundamentally changing how coffee is produced — by eliminating the need for beans altogether, and repurposing food waste along the way.

Ironic, Understated Campaign Attracts Viral Interest in Visiting Oslo

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - VisitOSLO’s new, viral campaign downplays its city’s appeal with dry humor and an understated production style — and highlights a growing trend in values-driven tourism marketing.

This Nepalese B Corp Illustrates a Holistic Model for Sustainable Development

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Shah Hemp Innoventures turns typically wasted ‘weeds’ into a resource for literally building a more sustainable, equitable economy.

‘Greenhushing’ Diminishing Returns for 58% of US’s 100 Biggest Companies

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - New report asserts that businesses that aren't transparent on their ESG progress, for fear of greenwashing, are missing opportunities for investment and gaining credibility with consumers.