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David Wilcox

David Wilcox is tagged in 2 stories.
How to Make the SDGs Truly Sustainable: Social Entrepreneurs as Critical Achievement Engines
How to Make the SDGs Truly Sustainable: Social Entrepreneurs as Critical Achievement Engines

Innovation & Technology / The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), deadlined for completion in 2015, have given way to the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched in September at the UN General Assembly and an array of other events including the SDG Business Forum, the Social Good Summit and the Clinton Global Initiative.In evaluating the over 100 presentations at these events, I was struck by the following: - 8 years ago

A New Triple Bottom Line
A New Triple Bottom Line

This post first appeared on CSRWire on January 13, 2012.As we dive into the new year and face up to the challenges ahead, I am reminded of the fundamental reason so many of us are working in this area. We came to do more good, though we often find most of our time is spent doing less harm.CSR organizations are increasingly tasked to cover both. And we will have to come up with new approaches to scale doing less harm and doing more good at the same time.The Cost of IncrementalismWhat is taking so long? Looking at just one aspect of CSR, corporate philanthropy, we see lack of results from scale — from the ReachScale site: - 11 years ago