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#SB14London Mnemonic #2:
10 Insights from the Final Morning

And the third morning of SB London picked up where the second one ended.

And the third morning of SB London picked up where the second one ended. Another great speaker line-up featuring some well-known brands including Sky, Philips, Kimberly-Clarke, Greenpeace and CDP, along with perhaps some lesser-known ones, including Novelis and the Vetiver Farms Philippines. As with the previous morning, between them this brilliant line-up delivered some important insights, this time spelling the third objective of the overall conference:

R is recycle. From aluminium in the case of Novelis, to fishnets in the case of Interface, to ideas – we heard pretty compelling business cases for the circular economy from Desso and Philips (closed loops, anyone?);

E is for explain the value, or as Philips put it ‘show them the money,’ a sure-fire way to change mindsets;

G is for government isn’t the answer. Paul Dickinson from CDP made a powerful case for business and brands as the most powerful levers for change in the current system, describing brands as ‘the membrane of the new democracy’

E is for the elephant in the room, the issue the sustainability community hasn’t wanted to talk about until now – social inequality and social impacts. Time to put social sustainability firmly on the radar;

N is for networks.

E is for empowering service managers, not product managers. This will enable the product to service shift;

R is for restorative. Doing less bad isn’t enough. We need products and services that put value back. Like vertiver grass, the ‘bad-ass’ grass used in the Philippines to clean up dead rivers;

A is for anchoring your endeavours and overall programme with deep sustainability principles, not only guaranteeing robust sustainability, but ensuring sustainability is ‘baked in’;

T is for think purpose. Both as your North Star – your destination - but also as your current rationale. The purpose of Andrex is dignity, not loo roll;

E is for excite and inspire. Scaring and saying no does not create change.

And a little sustainability haiku …

Reimagine now
It’s an opportunity
Grab it, you know how

Be that change.

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