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CVS Health joins World Wildlife Fund’s ReSource:
Plastic as principal retail member

CVS Health® today announced a collaboration with World Wildlife Fund and the organization’s activation hub, ReSource: Plastic, that will focus on reducing plastic waste and increasing the sustainability of materials within its packaging portfolio.

CVS Health joins a consortium of leading companies and organizations addressing the planet’s plastic waste crisis as the Principal Retail Member of ReSource: Plastic, driving high standards on plastic sourcing for the retail industry. ReSource: Plastic works with its member companies to maximize, measure, and multiply their impact on solving the plastic pollution crisis.

In 2020, CVS Health engaged World Wildlife Fund to audit its Store Brand packaging portfolio and launch new sustainable packaging goals. With a focus on reducing use of plastic and virgin materials and ensuring recyclability for all Store Brand products, CVS Health will annually measure its plastic and paper packaging inputs to meet key packaging goals.

Read the full release here.