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Medtronic to provide underserved communities with artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted colonoscopy technology through Health Equity Assistance Program for colon cancer screening

Amazon Web Services will support the effort to provide Medtronic GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy modules to facilities that primarily serve communities with low screening rates or where access to this technology is not currently available, to enable early detection, giving patients a better chance of survival

DUBLIN, Feb. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT), a global leader in healthcare technology, and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) today announced they are working to provide colorectal cancer screening technologies in low income and underserved communities across the United States through the Medtronic Health Equity Assistance Program for colon cancer screening, with support from Amazon Web Services (AWS). The initiative will include the donation of 50 Medtronic GI Genius™ intelligent endoscopy modules to endoscopy centers across the country that can potentially improve the detection of polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer. Certain types of colorectal cancer, when caught early, can have a survival rate (five year) of up to 91; however, it remains the third most common and third deadliest cancer among adults in the United States.

Read the full release here.