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Enel Green Power

Enel Green Power

Enel Green Power is tagged in 2 stories.
28 Companies, with Total Market Cap Of $1.3T, Rise to New Level of Climate Ambition
28 Companies, with Total Market Cap Of $1.3T, Rise to New Level of Climate Ambition

5 years ago - Ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit in September, companies commit to set 1.5°C climate targets aligned with a net-zero future, challenging governments to match their ambition.

Budweiser Launches Label for Beers Brewed with 100 Percent Renewable Electricity
Budweiser Launches Label for Beers Brewed with 100 Percent Renewable Electricity

6 years ago - Budweiser is launching a new initiative to communicate its commitment to sustainability to consumers and kickstart an industry-wide movement. The AB InBev brand has created a renewable electricity symbol that indicates when its beer is brewed with 100 percent clean energy.