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Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion is tagged in 5 stories.
SB’19 Madrid Offers Tasting Menu of ‘Moonshot Thinking’ for the Future of Humankind
SB’19 Madrid Offers Tasting Menu of ‘Moonshot Thinking’ for the Future of Humankind

4 years ago - At SB’19 Madrid last week, a diverse array of innovators in various fields demonstrated the notion that asking the right questions and being willing to use imagination to find solutions to the climate crisis and other pressing global issues can turn a Moonshot into reality.

Q&A: Extinction Rebellion’s Andrew Medhurst and the Role of Youth Activists in Shaking Us Awake
Q&A: Extinction Rebellion’s Andrew Medhurst and the Role of Youth Activists in Shaking Us Awake

4 years ago - Ahead of his upcoming keynote at SB’19 Madrid, we spoke with Andrew Medhurst — a one-time investment banker and now full-time volunteer with Extinction Rebellion — about the moonshot thinking we need to get us out of our current predicament.

Amsterdam’s Creative Industry Rising to Challenge to Take on the Climate Crisis
Amsterdam’s Creative Industry Rising to Challenge to Take on the Climate Crisis

4 years ago - Extinction Rebellion and The Humblebrag call upon Dutch creative industries to take a collective stand for the climate. Amsterdam’s first Creatives for Climate summit will take place on 18 September at Patagonia HQ.

Eyes Wide Shut? It’s Time to Wake Up: Join the Creative Climate Disclosure
Eyes Wide Shut? It’s Time to Wake Up: Join the Creative Climate Disclosure

5 years ago - Dear CEOs, CCOs, CMOs, CFOs, MDs and CDs: It’s time to wake up ... Commit your creativity to ‘the biggest brief’ this sector has ever known.

Screw the Nice Gestures, Advertisers — We Need More Real Impact
Screw the Nice Gestures, Advertisers — We Need More Real Impact

5 years ago - Thomas Kolster provides a behind-the-scenes look from a Sustainable Development Goals jury member at last week's Cannes Lions.