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David Evans

David Evans is tagged in 1 stories.
How Big Data Can Enable a Transparent Marketplace for Consumer Goods
How Big Data Can Enable a Transparent Marketplace for Consumer Goods

Innovation & Technology / Today we can access vast quantities of information from countless sources to help us make better decisions quickly.My cell phone can help me find a restaurant with the type of food I like, at a price I like, and with a customer satisfaction rating. I can get directions to the restaurant, including current traffic conditions. And if I don’t want to drive myself, Uber can take care of that.All of this is possible, yet when I go to my grocery store I’m still unclear as to what’s in the products I buy and where they came from.Is this can of soup lined with BPA? Are there GMOs in it? What’s the environmental impact of this product? Can I recycle it? - 9 years ago