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HEINEKEN USA is tagged in 5 stories.
Hispanic Heritage Month at HEINEKEN USA: One Month, Many Cultures, Muchas Celebraciones
Hispanic Heritage Month at HEINEKEN USA: One Month, Many Cultures, Muchas Celebraciones

Press Release / More than 57 million Hispanics call the United States home. And their native languages, cuisines, beverages, art, and music have become integral parts of the daily lifestyles of Americans from all walks of life. Today marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. The September 15th - October 15th dates have special significance as seven Hispanic countries celebrate their Independence Day during, or in close proximity to, this period: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chile. - 5 years ago

It’s Global Tiger Day: But Where Are All the Wild Tigers, asks Heineken
It’s Global Tiger Day: But Where Are All the Wild Tigers, asks Heineken

Press Release / 3,890. That’s the number of wild tigers left in the world today. Compared to 100,000 wild tigers that roamed the earth just a century ago, the massive 96% decline is beyond startling. With illegal tiger trade, poaching and habitat loss threatening the majestic species’ extinction, Tiger Beer knew they had to step in. The tiger is more than a logo for Asia’s leading premium lager, it’s a symbol of strength, courage and beauty. Last year, Tiger Beer embarked on a 6-year partnership with World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to bring global awareness to the plight of the wild tiger and to support the organization’s ambitious tiger conservation efforts. - 5 years ago

It’s World Environment Day: Let’s Dive Deep into the Blue Bin with The Recycling Partnership
It’s World Environment Day: Let’s Dive Deep into the Blue Bin with The Recycling Partnership

Press Release / Did you know recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to power a computer for 30 minutes? And recycling 16 aluminum cans saves the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline. A series of small actions like these can turn into great things when they are brought together. And that’s what The Recycling Partnership is all about. The Recycling Partnership is a rapidly growing national nonprofit committed to improving curbside residential recycling and boosting recycling education in cities across America — one community at a time, family by family, bin by bin. They’ve already impacted 33 million households in just four years! - 6 years ago

#TBT to When HEINEKEN USA Captured Attention (and Votes!) for Our Sustainability Report
#TBT to When HEINEKEN USA Captured Attention (and Votes!) for Our Sustainability Report

Press Release / For the most part, company sustainability reports never get read. The fact is, companies keep packaging their diligent, necessary and informative sustainability reporting in dense corporate documents that nobody cares to read. We’re proud of our progress and didn’t want our accomplishments to go unnoticed. That’s why HEINEKEN USA set out to create a new way for consumers to engage with and understand our 2016 Annual Report – a blend of our annual performance and sustainability reports. The objective was to communicate our sustainability performance in an extraordinary way – the HEINEKEN way - authentic, clear, enjoyable and noteworthy. Thus, “You’re not gonna read this…” was born. - 6 years ago

International Day of Families: Toasting Progressive Parental Benefits, No Matter Your Situation
International Day of Families: Toasting Progressive Parental Benefits, No Matter Your Situation

Press Release / There is no longer one dominant family form in the U.S. According to the Pew Research Center, parents today are raising their children against a backdrop of increasingly diverse and, for many, constantly evolving family forms. Knowing this, it’s clear that employers need to create policies and offer flexible benefits that make work-life balance possible for all family structures. - 6 years ago