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Jon Dettling

Jon Dettling is tagged in 1 stories.
Surprises in Smaller Packages: What Sprint Learned From an LCA of Its Packaging Improvements
Surprises in Smaller Packages: What Sprint Learned From an LCA of Its Packaging Improvements

Products and Design / For the millions of customers who purchase wireless devices and accessories each year, packaging is one of the most tangible ways to understand a company’s commitment to environmental responsibility. It’s often our first chance at a good impression, and it’s an area where small changes can add up to big differences — in everything from brand recognition to our bottom line. At Sprint, we’ve invested considerable time and resources into creating greener packaging solutions; as a result of our careful research and analysis — and our partnership with Deutsch Design Works (DDW) — we’ve overhauled packaging across nearly all Sprint-branded product lines. - 11 years ago