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Keith Merron

Keith Merron is tagged in 2 stories.
Conscious Leadership Reminds Us: We Are All the Same
Conscious Leadership Reminds Us: We Are All the Same

Organizational Governance / Last year, aspiring artist Jonathan Harris visited Bhutan to learn about why this country is so imbued with happiness. Bhutan is noted for measuring its Gross Happiness Product, rather than what we do in western cultures, which is to measure our Gross National Product. This model cares more about social and spiritual well-being than financial well-being. Jonathan's project, Balloons for Bhutan, documents his effort to capture “a portrait of happiness in the last Himalayan kingdom.” - 11 years ago

The Long View
The Long View

Organizational Governance / I have been reading a ton about all of human history in anticipation of a new book I’m working on. It has provided me with a fresh perspective on life that has been an unexpected and welcome surprise. I notice that in so much of my life I see patterns that appear to be quite clear and meaningful. - 11 years ago