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Maura Devetski

Maura Devetski is tagged in 5 stories.
Businesses Taking the Lead on Sustainability
Businesses Taking the Lead on Sustainability

Press Release / Now more than ever, the general and informed public of this world are looking to CEOs and business leaders to take the lead on important issues over governments. - 6 years ago

Sustainability Lexicon: Top Terms to Know for International Day of Forests
Sustainability Lexicon: Top Terms to Know for International Day of Forests

Press Release / One-third of the Earth’s land mass is covered by forests – beautiful, useful, and the essence of sustainability. - 6 years ago

A Businesslike Look at America Recycles Day
A Businesslike Look at America Recycles Day

Press Release / A businesslike look at America Recycles Day America recycles one-third of municipal solid waste, and more would be better - 6 years ago

Transparency Clearly Benefits Everyone
Transparency Clearly Benefits Everyone

Press Release / Too much information? It depends on the circumstances… No doubt, listening to the deeply intimate confessions of a stranger can make people uncomfortable. But when it comes to corporations, getting all the facts and details is never too much – it’s called transparency. - 6 years ago

How Small Offices Can Save 22 Trees, One Car's Annual Emissions and More
How Small Offices Can Save 22 Trees, One Car's Annual Emissions and More

Press Release / If your company wants to make a difference environmentally, one place to start is with your choice of office paper. - 7 years ago