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R. Paul

R. Paul is tagged in 3 stories.
Millennials Seeing How Business Can Be More Innovative, Sparking Innovation from Within
Millennials Seeing How Business Can Be More Innovative, Sparking Innovation from Within

Organizational Governance / Millennials are earning a reputation for doing things differently. They communicate intensively using social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), are revolutionizing transportation (Uber, Lyft), and are now demanding corporate sustainability and accountability. Currently the largest living generation in the United States, Millennials have enough ‘buying power’ to throw their weight around.But this innovation doesn’t happen by chance or because Millennials passively expected it — they create it by advocating for themselves. - 8 years ago

Back to the Future: The Early Days of New Metrics (or How to Speak Your CFO's Language)
Back to the Future: The Early Days of New Metrics (or How to Speak Your CFO's Language)

New Metrics / Many innovators want to express the uniqueness of their pioneering breakthroughs - a new organic product, a sustainability initiative, a green-building retrofit. But these new, exciting ideas are likely emphasizing benefits that are not easily heard. "New" and "exciting" are two words that typically attract attention to gain new customers and market share, like your latest mobile device or electric car.But CFOs, CEOs and Boards are skeptical of new and exciting; they like "old" and "boring" — like delivering on budget, on time and on the expectations of promises to Wall Street analysts and investors. - 11 years ago

Let’s Value People as an Asset, and Bring Financial Statements into the 21st Century
Let’s Value People as an Asset, and  Bring Financial Statements into the 21st Century

New Metrics / What is your organization’s most important asset? CEOs often respond that the organization’s people are its greatest asset. But if this is true, where are people accounted for in the financial statements? Today, people are generally classified as expenses on the income statement and liabilities on the balance sheet – not as an investable asset. Thus, when CEOs seek to increase profit, they cut costs – like people – rather than investing in assets – like people – that can appreciate. What Is Your Organization’s Most Important Asset? - 11 years ago