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Discovery Education and Social Impact Partners Contributing Free STEM-Focused Resources to Educators and Students Celebrating Women’s History Month

Discovery Education and its social impact partners are offering educators and students nationwide a variety of free, STEM-focused resources to support celebrations of Women’s History Month.

Discovery Education and its social impact partners are offering educators and students nationwide a variety of free, STEM-focused resources to support celebrations of Women’s History Month. This high-quality content highlights the accomplishments of women STEM leaders and encourages girls to see themselves in future STEM careers. Discovery Education is the worldwide edtech leader whose state-of-the-art digital platform supports learning wherever it takes place.

The Women’s History Month theme for 2023 is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”In support of this theme, Discovery Education has curated the following no-cost resources that help share the stories of women leading STEM industries to inspire the girls of today:

Career Profiles Meet the women cybersecurity experts working to keep us all safe online in the career profiles from Girls4Tech – Mastercard’s signature science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program supported by Discovery Education. Geared towards giving girls in middle and high school access to STEM resources and career exploration tools, this program dives deeply into the topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber security.

Read full story here.