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Boothster proud to work with the Boy Scouts of America on their latest sustainable tradeshow booth design

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, providing programs for young people that build character.

sustainable tradeshow booth design for the boy scouts of americaImage courtesy of "Wdoole" on Wikimedia Commons

All age groups of Boy Scouts are required to learn about conserving natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance, and throughout the scouting experience, youths have many opportunities to learn and embrace sustainability. Young First Graders in the Tiger Cubs program are taught the importance of planting trees and learn to hang birdhouses. For Fifth Graders in the Arrow of Light Building a Better World adventure, Scouts are required to identify an energy problem in their local community and help educate people on how to recycle and conserve resources. Teenage Scouts must spend at least three hours on a conservation-related service project and the “Sustainability Merit Badge” is required for Eagle Scout status! All of these projects are fantastic ways for Scouts to deepen their knowledge, their commitment, and their investment in living more sustainably!

sustainable ecofriendly tradeshow booth designImage courtesy of Boy Scouts of America

It is this long tradition of education and dedication to sustainability that makes Boothster proud to work with the Boy Scouts of America on their numerous booth designs, including their latest ecofriendly tradeshow booth and recyclable banner stands at the 2018 Summer Outdoor Retailer Convention.

recyclable tradeshow banners for the boy scouts of americaImagery courtesy of Boy Scouts of America, graphic design courtesy of

Boothster has been working with the Scouts since the launch of their Sustainability program and Sustainability Merit Badge back in 2013.

sustainable tradeshow booth design for the boy scouts of america

Since then Boothster has continued to work with them on ecofriendly tradeshow booths, recyclable banner stands and green signage as they continue to reinforce their commitment to conservation, environmental stewardship and sustainability. sustainable tradeshow booth design for the boy scouts of america

To learn more about how Boothster or Recyclable Banners Co can help your organization with sustainable tradeshow booth design and sustainable banner stands, give us a call or fill out our contact form here!