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Braskem, Buhbli Organics and Peel Plastics Bring Sustainable Packaging Innovation To The Natural Retail Market

Braskem, the largest producer of biopolymers in the world, today announces that Buhbli Organics, together with Peel Plastics, will be utilizing Braskem's I'm greenTM bio-based Polyethylene in their Himalayan Bath Salts pouch. Buhbli Organics bath salts are now available in over 1,000 Walmart stores in the U.S. in the Naturals section of the Cosmetics department.

Braskem, the largest producer of biopolymers in the world, today announces that Buhbli Organics, together with Peel Plastics, will be utilizing Braskem's I'm greenTM bio-based Polyethylene in their Himalayan Bath Salts pouch. Buhbli Organics bath salts are now available in over 1,000 Walmart stores in the U.S. in the Naturals section of the Cosmetics department.

According to John Rody and Michelle Gojkovich, Co-Founders of Buhbli Organics, the change is a step towards lowering the carbon footprint of their packaging. "By choosing to incorporate bio-based polyethylene in the pouches for our Himalayan Bath Salts, we were able to make a more eco-friendly choice because this resin has an environmentally beneficial life cycle assessment. Using green polyethylene in our packaging has a meaningful impact as it contributes to lowering Buhbli's carbon footprint, which in turn contributes to the well-being of others and the planet," stated Michelle.

The accelerating shift to more sustainable packaging solutions fits with the consumer market's movement towards the growing Organic Foods and Organic Products market. Braskem's green plastic is made from sugarcane - a renewable and sustainable resource produced in Brazil - and a drop-in biopolymer substitute to conventional polyethylene. Cultivation of sugarcane utilizes CO2 and releases O2, which gives the material a negative carbon footprint. For every 1 ton of Braskem's I'm greenTM Polyethylene that is used, Buhbli Organics is sequestering 3.09 tons of CO2 from a cradle to Braskem gate perspective.

Buhbli Organics is an environmentally-responsible, Canadian company specializing in genuinely pure, USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC body care products. Their vision and mission are to create affordable, organic certified body care that is truly clean, green and safe for all living things. "We want to make a positive difference in the world. We understand that every one of us has tremendous power to affect positive change through the small things we do and the simple, cumulative choices we make every single day, right down to the basics, like the products we use as part of our daily body care routine," adds John.

Arnoud Prins, Business Development Manager of Peel Plastics, sees the shift to bio-based packaging as an industry wide movement for innovative companies that carry sustainability as a brand value. "We are very pleased to support the movement of businesses like Buhbli Organics towards bio-based polyethylene. It shows that brand owners in North America are developing a strategic desire for sustainable packaging."

Joe Jankowski, from Braskem's Renewables team in North America, agrees with Mr. Prins' perspective. "Buhbli wanted to move very quickly once they heard about Braskem's I'm greenTM Polyethylene through Peel Plastics. We are starting to see a lot of movement towards Green PE in North America. Overall, Braskem is pleased to be offering more responsible choices to help brands and retailers to activate their sustainability drivers and, in turn, provide more environmentally friendly packaging solutions to the marketplace," finished Joe.