SB'25 San Diego is open for registration!

Shifting our Collective Narrative:
The Private Sector as a Key Ally in the Fight Against Sex Trafficking

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As the complexity of social and regulatory climates is increasing, so will the pressure on today’s brands to partake in the solutions and prevention of further gross human rights violations in our current global landscape. From consumers’ expectations of companies to adhere to sustainability and transparency to the public sector activism that is continuing to have serious impact in effecting soft policies or “self-regulation” which is leading to “hard laws” and legislative mandates, how do today’s companies continue to balance their attendance to critical social concerns with the demands for their own profitability while also moving toward developing and incorporating the requisite social consciousness into brand management that can combat such complex issues as sex trafficking? In addressing a range of proposed business policies and protocols that encompass the responsibility of companies to not only curb demand from clients and employees for criminally acquired services but also to create internal change and a major shift in culturally propagated impressions and attitudes company-wide, to amplify awareness in all its sectors of operations, as well as to take a public stance regarding a broad resistance toward the general tendency to support these horrors by the silence that in effect condones their continuance, this talk will specifically address solutions and steps top management needs to promote and effect–from an interpersonal level to the brand level–toward the goal of disrupting, preventing, and countering commercial sex trafficking. In a context of sharing a multi-systems approach such as examining effective and powerful case studies, corporate education, policy and procedures, federal and global legislation mandates and trends, the social impact of a companywide cultural shift, as well as practical actionable items and initial steps to activate internal and external change that support best practices, we urge you to join us for an inspiring, powerful, and timely conversation.

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