To put sustainability goals into action, organizations need to create a strategy roadmap that fits their specific needs. They must know how to navigate the intricacies of ESG metrics and transform raw data into practical strategies that create positive change while complying with reporting requirements at the appropriate level of granularity. Through this session, gain insights into best practices and real-world examples that empower you to make informed decisions and drive sustainability initiatives with lasting, meaningful outcomes. Join us to learn how to unlock the true value of ESG metrics and drive a more sustainable future.
Key Takeaways
* Learn about the Sustainability regulatory space and how it will affect various industries
* Get a deeper insight into the data types and challenges to deliver on 2030 base scope 3 disclosed metric regulatory requirements
* Connect your strategy with day-to-day operations to embed sustainability into your business transformation
* Hear a fascinating use case from Heifer Labs about how they use environmental data to help farmers in Malawi increase their productivity, reduce waste and improve their standard of living