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Dell Technologies is at the helm of Digital Transformation, powering the next technological revolution.


Dell is tagged in 89 stories. Page 5 of 5.
Lost Confidence: Can Ratings Help Brands Rebuild Faith in Big Business?
Lost Confidence: Can Ratings Help Brands Rebuild Faith in Big Business?

11 years ago - A 2012 Gallup poll reported sobering news for Corporate America — only 19 percent of the public has significant confidence in big businesses, 41 percent has some and 39 percent has little or none. The only institutions doing worse in the public’s eye are HMOs and the U.S. Congress.This comes as no surprise given the plethora of corporate controversies, CEO scandals, bailouts and environmental accidents that have dominated headlines in recent years. These types of stories often overshadow the good work being done by more conscientious brands, making it difficult for them to stand apart from less-responsible competitors.

Coca-Cola, Hershey Top CoreBrand 2012 BrandPower Rankings
Coca-Cola, Hershey Top CoreBrand 2012 BrandPower Rankings

11 years ago - Consumer-facing companies made up more than half of the Top 100 BrandPower Rankings Report released this month by CoreBrand.

FlashFood Mobile App Diverts Restaurant Food Waste To Feed the Hungry
FlashFood Mobile App Diverts Restaurant Food Waste To Feed the Hungry

11 years ago - The statistics are staggering: One in five children goes to bed hungry every night in America, while 40 percent of food in this country is sent to the landfill, according to a recent report from the Natural Resources Defense Council. There is an immediate solution to redirecting this excess wasted food to families in need, but fear is choking the supply chain.

Dell Reconnect: Turning E-Waste into a Community Resource
Dell Reconnect: Turning E-Waste into a Community Resource

11 years ago - Irresponsible destruction of electronic waste can be a nasty business. Dell recognized many years ago that our customers wanted a convenient, safe and secure program for disposing their used electronics. We also recognized that our responsibility to our communities and the environment extends beyond simply building a product with the Dell name on it.

Study Finds Increased Profits for Companies Embracing Sustainability
Study Finds Increased Profits for Companies Embracing Sustainability

11 years ago - Companies reporting a profit from their sustainability efforts rose 23 percent last year, to 37 percent of the total, according to a new global study called The Innovation Bottom Line, released yesterday by the MIT Sloan Management Review (MIT SMR) and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

Goodwill: Saving the Waste in Men and Things
Goodwill: Saving the Waste in Men and Things

11 years ago - At Goodwill, we were excited to be invited to co-edit this issue dedicated to highlighting innovative solutions for eliminating and reutilizing waste streams in operations. As individuals continue to consume products and companies continue to expand, finding waste stream solutions that keep these products from stacking up in landfills has become an urgent priority.The companies we’re highlighting this month demonstrate the opportunities organizations have taken at every step of the product life cycle to limit the negative impact they have on the environment. From innovations in how products are packaged to post-use recovery efforts to partnerships that maximize both environmental and financial impact, these agencies are truly leading the way in achieving net positivity.

Report: More Companies Seeing Near-Term Risk in Climate Change
Report: More Companies Seeing Near-Term Risk in Climate Change

11 years ago - Seventy percent of companies believe climate change has the potential to affect their revenue significantly, a risk which is intensified by a chasm between the sustainable business practices of multinational corporations and their suppliers, according to research published today by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Accenture.

Thinking Outside the Box: Seven Promising Packaging Innovations
Thinking Outside the Box: Seven Promising Packaging Innovations

11 years ago - The holiday season is over, and the garbage trucks have cleared away the curbside remnants that accompany the feasting and gift-giving. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day household waste increases by more than 25 percent, adding an additional million tons a week to landfill waste.

Packaging and Sustainability - An Open Dialogue Between Stakeholders
Packaging and Sustainability - An Open Dialogue Between Stakeholders

12 years ago - Packaging is a hot topic in sustainability circles. The key question about packaging is the following: Given the economic and environmental costs and benefits of different materials, different designs, different applications and different logistical operations, how can we effectively manage these variables to make the most appropriate packaging decisions?