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Fairchain Foundation

Fairchain Foundation is tagged in 2 stories.
UN-Backed Chocolate Bar Enables Consumers to Directly Impact Farmer Livelihoods
UN-Backed Chocolate Bar Enables Consumers to Directly Impact Farmer Livelihoods

4 years ago - The Other Bar is an experiment in influencing consumer behaviour through quantifiable proof of impact. If it can prove that consumers will buy and be loyal to impactful products, the hope is that bigger brands will want to follow suit, turning their marketing dollars into impact.

Blockchain Will Revolutionize Marketing — Are You Prepared?
Blockchain Will Revolutionize Marketing — Are You Prepared?

6 years ago - "We want to create "radical impact", as we like to call it: create access to better quality coffee than the one sold by the leading multinationals and make sure that the people growing our coffee make a better living by bringing value-adding activities back to their countries. But how do we measure and show what we actually do with Moyee?” said Guido van Staveren van Dijk, CEO of Moyee Coffee, describing one of the key challenges his company is facing.