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Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech is tagged in 12 stories.
Atlanta: A Dark Horse in Sustainability Innovation
Atlanta: A Dark Horse in Sustainability Innovation

5 years ago - Atlanta may not be the first city that comes to mind when you think of sustainability — but perhaps, it should be.

Ford Pushes Sustainability Leadership for Next Era of Driving
Ford Pushes Sustainability Leadership for Next Era of Driving

9 years ago - William C. Ford II’s best decision as chairman of Ford Motor Co. was to bring in Alan Mulally as CEO in 2007 and watch the former Boeing manufacturing chief transform Ford from an also-ran into a global industry leader before he left last year. But Ford Jr.’s “green” decision-making has been nearly as good. As CEO before Mulally’s tenure, and chairman before and until today, Ford has kept his company a leader in sustainability thinking and practice. He pushed Ford to produce some of the industry’s first hybrid-electric vehicles, for instance, and authorized a “living roof” on top of Ford’s original River Rouge Assembly complex in its hometown of Dearborn, Michigan.

Ford Continues Development of Smart Mobility Plan with Research Partnerships, Enhancements
Ford Continues Development of Smart Mobility Plan with Research Partnerships, Enhancements

9 years ago - Earlier this week, Ford’s vision for the future of personal mobility was on display at CES Asia in Shanghai.

What Does the Future of Sustainability in Academia Look Like?
What Does the Future of Sustainability in Academia Look Like?

9 years ago - This is the final question from a roundtable discussion with the directors of sustainability research centers at six top business schools.Through Georgia Tech’s new QEP (Quality Enhancement Program), we will develop very deep educational partnerships with a few key institutions, be those NGOs or local government or corporations.

How Does Sustainability Research Fit Within Business Schools?
How Does Sustainability Research Fit Within Business Schools?

9 years ago - This is the fifth of six questions from a roundtable discussion with the directors of sustainability research centers at six top business schools.So there are a couple different ways that we support the research process as an Initiative.One is that we bring in funding and then disperse it to faculty for research on sustainability. We’ve done that with some corporate funding, as well as philanthropic individual donors or foundations. We put out those calls for proposals, and it helps us to identify who among the faculty is doing research and sustainability.

Georgia Tech Commits to Ambitious Sustainable Community Engagement Initiative
Georgia Tech Commits to Ambitious Sustainable Community Engagement Initiative

9 years ago - Within a few years, every undergrad at the Georgia Institute of Technology could understand what it means to create sustainable communities.That’s the goal of a new institute-wide initiative called Serve•Learn•Sustain.

How Do Sustainability Research Centers Influence Business School Curriculum?
How Do Sustainability Research Centers Influence Business School Curriculum?

9 years ago - This is the fourth of six questions from a roundtable discussion with the directors of sustainability research centers at six top business schools.We have a big opportunity to influence curriculum within the entire university right now. And in the context of that we’ll have the same opportunity within the College of Business.In a nutshell, as part of reaffirming its accreditation every 10 years, Georgia Tech needs to put together a five-year Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that touches undergraduate education across all colleges.

Catalyzing Change: Georgia Tech Establishes Hub for Sustainable Business Collaboration
Catalyzing Change: Georgia Tech Establishes Hub for Sustainable Business Collaboration

9 years ago - Howard Connell, managing director of Georgia Tech’s new Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, points to the panel of presenters at the Center’s inaugural event as an example of how it plans to address the systemic complexities of sustainability.

What Are the Success Factors and Risks for Relationships Between Industry and Academia?
What Are the Success Factors and Risks for Relationships Between Industry and Academia?

9 years ago - This is the second of five questions from a roundtable discussion with the directors of sustainability research centers at six top business schools. See part one here.When we think about relationships with industry, we think of three key success factors.

Do Sustainability Research Centers View Industry as a Partner or a Client?
Do Sustainability Research Centers View Industry as a Partner or a Client?

9 years ago - I held a roundtable discussion with the directors of sustainability centers and institutes at six top business schools to learn more about how they engage with industry.The first question was: Do you view industry more as a partner or client?I may get us off to a bad start, because I want to say “both.” I would say as a partner, because we rely on industry to give us insights into what knowledge and skills our students need to learn. But then as a client, when we’re doing consulting projects for companies.

Why Business Culture Should Be the Ultimate Aim of Sustainability Leaders
Why Business Culture Should Be the Ultimate Aim of Sustainability Leaders

9 years ago - Business schools play a critical role in society.They support the continual evolution of our economies, the industries that shape them, the people that lead them, and the thinking behind it all.But it’s not just a role. It’s also a responsibility.In today’s hotter, scarcer, and more open world (to borrow from Andrew Winston’s The Big Pivot), that responsibility is greater than ever. More than at any other time in history, humanity is collectively aware of its impact on the planet. We know that our current actions, if left unchecked, will lead to unknown disruptions of life on earth.

Academic Centers Positioned to Lead Major Sustainability Work
Academic Centers Positioned to Lead Major Sustainability Work

10 years ago - Need to solve a sustainability problem?Get the smartest people from industry, government, NGOs and academia. Put them together. And stir.That’s an oversimplification of the recipe for success that surfaced several weeks ago during the inaugural event (video) of the Center for Business Strategy and Sustainability (CBSS) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Although simple, it reveals the opportunity academic units such as CBSS have to become pre-competitive leaders — to be the ones bringing all those smart people together in the same room.