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MillerCoors is tagged in 22 stories. Page 1 of 2.
Miller Lite, Dr. Eric Cervini Spotlight 10 Iconic Queer Bars in New Guidebook, 'Beers & Queer History'
Miller Lite, Dr. Eric Cervini Spotlight 10 Iconic Queer Bars in New Guidebook, 'Beers & Queer History'

2 years ago - The book is the latest addition to Miller Lite's Open & Proud program, which works with the Equality Federation to help make the 55K bars across the US that serve Miller Lite more welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community by the end of 2022.

As Michael Approaches, Companies Are Changing the Way We Weather Natural Disasters
As Michael Approaches, Companies Are Changing the Way We Weather Natural Disasters

5 years ago - Natural disasters are becoming a new reality for many Americans. In 2017 alone, 25 million people, or 8 percent of the U.S. population, were affected by a natural disaster — a “historic year,” according to FEMA. More often, corporates are responding before, during and after natural disasters to serve affected employees, customers and communities. Historically, companies have responded to disasters by providing the basics of food, water, and shelter — often via cash donations to relief organizations. But in the past few years, we have seen more companies bring their competencies, products or services, and people to disaster situations in innovative ways. And they are changing the way communities across the U.S. weather and recover from disasters.

Q&A: How Wrangler, MyFarms Plan to Leverage Field-Level Sustainability Data
Q&A: How Wrangler, MyFarms Plan to Leverage Field-Level Sustainability Data

6 years ago - From remote sensors to digital field mapping, information technology (IT) is rapidly becoming a part of day-to-day farm management. When a state-of-the-art cotton picker, for example, records crop yield and moisture every few seconds, along with the GPS coordinates of the machine, that data can be analyzed against water and fertilizer applications — or other farm practices — to determine optimal growing conditions. Technology also can enable reporting up and down the agricultural value chain of all farm practices and conservation metrics associated with a particular field.

Trending: Coors, City of London Put Waste to Work with New Recycling Schemes
Trending: Coors, City of London Put Waste to Work with New Recycling Schemes

7 years ago - New programs, initiatives and innovations that drive forward the transition to a circular company seem to be popping up almost daily. The latest to pick up the banner for the circular cause? Coors Light and the City of London Corporation. Coors Light, a MillerCoors brand, is shining light on its sustainability achievements and goals with a new twist on its ongoing “Climb On” campaign and the roll out of “Every One Can,” a summer promotional campaign, which includes the conversion of its billboards into beer coolers and its kegs into barbeque grills, as well as a large-scale push to get drinkers to recycle beer cans.

How a Beer Maker And a Bottled Water Company Want to Save Sierra Forests
How a Beer Maker And a Bottled Water Company Want to Save Sierra Forests

7 years ago - California’s forests are in crisis. A lethal combination of drought, wildfires, warmer temperatures and pests has destroyed 66 million trees in the past six years. Restoring our forests won’t be easy. Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature recognized the importance and magnitude of the task by allocating $40 million in cap-and-trade funds. At the same time, President Barack Obama visited Lake Tahoe to announce $29.5 million to improve forest health and decrease the threat of catastrophic wildfires.

NGOs, Food and Beverage Giants Join Forces to Protect California’s Water Future
NGOs, Food and Beverage Giants Join Forces to Protect California’s Water Future

7 years ago - As California enters its sixth year of record-breaking drought, 20 leading organizations this week announced the formation of the California Water Action Collaborative (CWAC), their collaborative effort to support critical projects designed to protect the state’s water future.

MillerCoors Breweries Earn Four Medals At 2016 Great American Beer Festival
MillerCoors Breweries Earn Four Medals At 2016 Great American Beer Festival

7 years ago - The Coors Brewing Company name has meant consistent quality and refreshment since 1873. That tradition of excellence was recognized at this weekend's Great American Beer Festival, with Coors Banquet receiving a silver award – its third straight year of being honored – and Coors Light earning a bronze award. Those awards were among the four medals won by MillerCoors breweries at the 2016 Great American Beer Festival presented by the Brewers Association. The brewer now has 210 medals at the prestigious national event, more than any other brewer.

All MillerCoors Major Breweries Become Landfill-Free Verified
All MillerCoors Major Breweries Become Landfill-Free Verified

7 years ago - All MillerCoors Major Breweries Become Landfill-Free Verified Verification Confirms that Less Than 1 Percent of Waste Generated at Any Major Brewery Goes to the Landfill  

MillerCoors Launches Monthlong Volunteer Effort to Protect Water
MillerCoors Launches Monthlong Volunteer Effort to Protect Water

7 years ago - MILLERCOORS LAUNCHES MONTHLONG VOLUNTEER EFFORT TO PROTECT WATER Thousands of Employees Volunteer to Protect Water Resources During Great Water Month  

Millercoors Showcases Commitment to Alcohol Responsibility, Environmental Stewardship and Community Investment in 2016 Sustainability Report
Millercoors Showcases Commitment to Alcohol Responsibility, Environmental Stewardship and Community Investment in 2016 Sustainability Report

8 years ago - CHICAGO (July 18, 2016) – MillerCoors released its 2016 Sustainability Report, which provides a comprehensive review of the company’s 2015 efforts in the areas of alcohol responsibility, environmental stewardship and community investment. The nation’s second largest brewer continues to help prevent drunk driving and underage consumption, reduce water use and brewery waste, and create equal opportunities for women in beer.

Beer Giants Increasing Transparency Around Ingredients, Nutrition Information
Beer Giants Increasing Transparency Around Ingredients, Nutrition Information

8 years ago - This week, the Beer Institute announced a new initiative to encourage its member companies to display specific consumer information on products, packaging or websites.

How Ford, MillerCoors, Hershey Are Helping Suppliers Innovate for Sustainability
How Ford, MillerCoors, Hershey Are Helping Suppliers Innovate for Sustainability

8 years ago - In this Tuesday afternoon panel, representatives from Ford, MillerCoors and Hershey described how their companies are leveraging a variety of partnerships to innovate for sustainability across their global supply chains. In 2014, Ford launched its innovative Partnership for a Cleaner Environment (PACE) program, which focuses on collaborating with suppliers to reach the company’s aggressive environmental targets.

How Employee Engagement Helped All MillerCoors' Major Breweries Go Landfill-Free
How Employee Engagement Helped All MillerCoors' Major Breweries Go Landfill-Free

8 years ago - MillerCoors, the second largest brewer in the US, announced on Wednesday that all of its major breweries have achieved landfill-free operations.The Fort Worth Brewery in Texas was the final of its eight sites to reach the milestone, after the facility engaged a 'Sustainability Employee Council' that focused on changing employee behaviors and making recycling easier and more accessible.

All MillerCoors Major Breweries Reach Landfill-Free Milestone
All MillerCoors Major Breweries Reach Landfill-Free Milestone

8 years ago - MillerCoors today announced all of its major breweries are now landfill-free, with the Fort Worth Brewery as the latest site to reach this impressive milestone. MillerCoors has remained an industry leader in waste reduction since its first brewery reached landfill-free status in 2011 by leveraging key learnings and the passion of its people to brew beer more sustainably.

Beverage Industry Giants Release True Cost of Water Toolkit
Beverage Industry Giants Release True Cost of Water Toolkit

9 years ago - The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) — a technical coalition of leading global beverage companies working to advance environmental sustainability within the beverage sector - has leveraged its expertise to develop a user-friendly tool to help facilities better estimate their “true cost” of water. This interactive tool can help facilities within the beverage industry and beyond better determine direct costs associated with their most water- and resource-intensive processes.

MillerCoors Milwaukee Brewery And Corporate Offices Now Landfill-Free
MillerCoors Milwaukee Brewery And Corporate Offices Now Landfill-Free

9 years ago - MillerCoors, an American brewer with more than 450 years of combined heritage, today announced that its Milwaukee Brewery and corporate offices are landfill-free. The brewer eliminated 65 tons of waste that was previously sent to landfill each month from its brewery and corporate offices, logging its first landfill-free month at the brewery in December 2014. This marks MillerCoors first complete campus – brewery plus corporate offices – to achieve landfill-free operations and the seventh of the company's eight major breweries to reach this milestone.  MillerCoors details its waste reduction successes and other sustainability achievements in the company's 2015 Sustainability Report, which was released today.

How Ford, Goodwill, Sprint Built Effective Recycling/Reuse Initiatives Through Innovative Partnerships
How Ford, Goodwill, Sprint Built Effective Recycling/Reuse Initiatives Through Innovative Partnerships

9 years ago - On Tuesday, the week of learning at SB ’15 San Diego continued as Nina Goodrich, director of GreenBlue, moderated a discussion on innovative partnerships around recycling and reuse initiatives.

Maine Farmers Feeding Crops, Livestock with Brewery and Coffee Shop Waste
Maine Farmers Feeding Crops, Livestock with Brewery and Coffee Shop Waste

9 years ago - Organic matter produced during brewing and coffee roasting processes is becoming a farming and gardening staple as an effective, low-cost alternative to commercial fertilizer and feed for a growing contingent of farmers and gardeners in Maine, according to the Bangor Daily News.As more of the state’s ubiquitous microbreweries are finding ways to make their operations more sustainable, they’ve realized repurposing their spent grains as fertilizers eliminates waste, while simultaneously benefitting local farms and gardens.

MillerCoors' Trenton Brewery Upcycling Wastewater Into Fish, Animal Feed
MillerCoors' Trenton Brewery Upcycling Wastewater Into Fish, Animal Feed

9 years ago - MillerCoors’ Trenton Brewery in Ohio will now also produce fish and animal feed.Thanks to a partnership with biotech company Nutrinsic, wastewater from MillerCoors’ beer-making process will now enter Nutrinsic’s sustainable protein production facility co-located at the brewery’s Water Reclamation Facility. The biotech company says the wastewater will become a feedstock for ProFloc™, a high-quality protein ingredient for use in fish and animal nutrition. ProFloc is produced using patented technology that upcycles nutrients that would otherwise be undervalued or discarded, making it a sustainable protein source for all types of aquatic and terrestrial animal feeds.

Coors Light Summer Promo to Benefit Alliance for Great Lakes
Coors Light Summer Promo to Benefit Alliance for Great Lakes

9 years ago - CHICAGO, May 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Coors Light has been refreshing beer drinkers since 1978. This summer, The World's Most Refreshing Beer also wants to refresh the Great Lakes.