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Planet FWD

Planet FWD is the leading decarbonization platform for consumer companies to combat climate change. Its proprietary database makes it easy for brands to measure and reduce their carbon emissions. Leveraging one of the largest Life Cycle Analysis database for agricultural production systems, Planet FWD provides consumer companies with the most granular insight into their emissions. Planet FWD has robust Scope 3 emissions modeling capabilities, making it the best solution in the market for consumer brands to decarbonize, where 90%+ of emissions come from their supply chain.

Planet FWD

Planet FWD is the leading decarbonization platform for consumer companies to combat climate change. Its proprietary database makes it easy for brands to measure and reduce their carbon emissions. Leveraging one of the largest Life Cycle Analysis database for agricultural production systems, Planet FWD provides consumer companies with the most granular insight into their emissions. Planet FWD has robust Scope 3 emissions modeling capabilities, making it the best solution in the market for consumer brands to decarbonize, where 90%+ of emissions come from their supply chain.

Planet FWD is tagged in 1 stories.
Brands Betting the Farm on Decarbonized, Regenerative Supply Chains
Brands Betting the Farm on Decarbonized, Regenerative Supply Chains

10 months ago - At SB’23 San Diego, a variety of brands and innovators discussed on-the-ground improvements cleaning up global and regional supply chains — and how to drive them further.