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Stories About SDGs

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UN Secretary-General Calls on Businesses to Help Finance Sustainable Development
UN Secretary-General Calls on Businesses to Help Finance Sustainable Development

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday called on the corporate community “to be our partners in supporting and financing this agenda” at a global conference on financing for development.The International Business Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was tasked with finding resources for a 17-point, 15-year UN plan on meeting human needs, protecting the planet and ending poverty. These Sustainable Development Goals will be up for final approval at the UN General Assembly in September.

How to Incorporate the SDGs Into Your Business Strategy
How to Incorporate the SDGs Into Your Business Strategy

SUPPLY CHAIN - For one of the last breakout sessions of the week, Tom Smith, Acting General Manager at Sedex; Vincent Kneefel, Manager of the United Nations Global Compact; and Christina Gossmann, Marketing Manager at Digital Divide Data (DDD) sat down to discuss the business applications for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How Starbucks, Kimberly-Clark, Stonyfield Farm Link Transparency to Supply Chain Performance
How Starbucks, Kimberly-Clark, Stonyfield Farm Link Transparency to Supply Chain Performance

SUPPLY CHAIN - As I settled in to the back right corner of the Mission Bay room for a Tuesday afternoon breakout session on Supply Chain Performance, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. All of my previous panels at SB ‘15 San Diego had focused on consumer or employee engagement, so I was bracing myself for much drier dialogue.

Project Everyone Aims to Engage 7 Billion People in the UN Development Goals in 7 Days
Project Everyone Aims to Engage 7 Billion People in the UN Development Goals in 7 Days

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - In September, The United Nations will launch its post-2015 Development Agenda, which outlines ambitious targets that include ending extreme poverty, promoting equity within and among countries, and addressing climate change on a global scale by 2030.

Trending: Companies Being Transparent, Re-Evaluating Goals After Slow Progress Toward Sustainability
Trending: Companies Being Transparent, Re-Evaluating Goals After Slow Progress Toward Sustainability

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - In their latest reports, two major companies are being forthcoming about respective shortfalls in terms of expected progress toward their long-term sustainability goals.In its latest annual report, released last week, British department store group the John Lewis Partnership — parent company of John Lewis department stores and the Waitrose grocery chain — says it will review its sustainability goals after seeing its absolute emissions grow by almost 7 percent last year.

#BusinessCase: By 2025, Dow Expects to Generate $1B by Valuing Natural, Human Capital
#BusinessCase: By 2025, Dow Expects to Generate $1B by Valuing Natural, Human Capital

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - The Dow Chemical Company announced today a strategic set of commitments designed to redefine the role of business in society. Dow says its 2025 Sustainability Goals use a global lens to magnify the Company’s impact around the world, driving unprecedented collaborations to develop a societal blueprint that will facilitate the transition to a sustainable planet and society.

Social Auditing: A New Tool for Sustainable Development?
Social Auditing: A New Tool for Sustainable Development?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Can social auditing be repurposed for greater good? That was the question posed during a breakout session of the Sedex Global Responsible Sourcing Conference in London last week. Muriel Johnson, AAG Project Manager at Sedex, asked a panel of leading business representatives if social auditing could be used to advance sustainable development within global enterprise, rather than as a simple mechanism to manage risk in the supply chain.

Sedex Brings Public and Private Sectors Together to Discuss Paths to Sustainable Supply Chains
Sedex Brings Public and Private Sectors Together to Discuss Paths to Sustainable Supply Chains

STAKEHOLDER TRENDS AND INSIGHTS - On a crisp Wednesday morning last week, the 2015 Sedex Global Responsible Sourcing Conference kicked off in London’s Parliament Square, barely a stone’s throw from the seat of British government. The event saw 500 delegates from brands including Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, Bacardi and Sky come together to discuss the future of supply chains through a series of plenary sessions, breakouts and inspirational speakers.In his opening speech, Georg Kell, executive director of the UN Global Compact, laid out the case for global enterprise to take a united stand on sustainable development.

How to Empower Women in Global Supply Chains?
How to Empower Women in Global Supply Chains?

SUPPLY CHAIN - We’ve heard a lot recently about 2015 promising to be the year of sustainability — with global conferences on sustainable development and climate change, new UK legislation fighting modern day slavery, and the forthcoming UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set to shape the global remit for social, economic and environmental development.One of the key goals of the SDGs is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls around the world. With this in mind, the post-2015 development agenda offers a great opportunity to drive lasting change for women’s rights and equality.

Dell on Mission to Measure Net Positive Impact of IT on Education, Healthcare, Logistics and Beyond
Dell on Mission to Measure Net Positive Impact of IT on Education, Healthcare, Logistics and Beyond

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - In Fall of 2013, Dell launched what it called its Legacy of Good plan — a set of 21 ambitious sustainability goals covering everything from its packaging and production materials to reducing the energy intensity of its entire product portfolio by 80 percent.

Clothing Companies Going Beyond Compliance with Better Mill Initiative
Clothing Companies Going Beyond Compliance with Better Mill Initiative

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - By creating an enabling environment to establish novel internal-management systems, Solidaridad's Better Mill Initiative has equipped textile-factory managers and workers to improve working conditions and livelihoods, and reduce the environmental impact of the factories.

West Elm's Artisan Partnerships Supporting Thousands in Developing Communities
West Elm's Artisan Partnerships Supporting Thousands in Developing Communities

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - In 2013, West Elm committed to invest $35M in artisan partnerships around the world through 2015. These partnerships create a number of benefits for both West Elm and the artisans they collaborate with.

Generating Buzz: BioLite's Co-Founder on Ending Poverty Through 'Parallel Innovation'
Generating Buzz: BioLite's Co-Founder on Ending Poverty Through 'Parallel Innovation'

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - BioLite uses revenues from outdoor recreation products such as the CampStove to incubate products for emerging markets, most prominently the HomeStove. It's a market-based approach to addressing poverty, one that generates self-sustaining energy access as well as health- and time-saving benefits.

'Women Empowered' Highlights Role of Women in IT Innovation
'Women Empowered' Highlights Role of Women in IT Innovation

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - One organization taking the initiative to improve gender representation in its industry is Cognizant Technology Solutions — whose employee-led Women Empowered initiative attracts and retains female associates through active recruitment, talent development, communication and networking.

Magnum Aiming to Enhance Financial Opportunities for 5K Female Cocoa Farmers by 2025
Magnum Aiming to Enhance Financial Opportunities for 5K Female Cocoa Farmers by 2025

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - The ice cream brand aims to help 5,000 female cocoa farmers in Côte D'Ivoire achieve financial stability and diversify their incomes, for greater prosperity in the cocoa-farming offseason, by 2025.