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Stories About Systems Shift

Found 1439 stories. Page 71 of 72.

America’s Broken Systems: A Case for Sustainable Design?
America’s Broken Systems: A Case for Sustainable Design?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - The first of a three-part proposal for using sustainability to recharge America's problem-solving.

Europe Could Open Up €320 Billion by Scaling a Circular Economy
Europe Could Open Up €320 Billion by Scaling a Circular Economy

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - The business case for sustainability, particularly the circular economy, is a strong one, and more and more researching is backing it up. A recent report by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission pointed to sustainable business models as the key to unlocking trillions of dollars in economic opportunities, and WRAP revealed that brands across the UK saved over £100 million simply by reducing food waste.

30 New EU Life+ Pilot Projects Make Convincing Case for Circular Business Models
30 New EU Life+ Pilot Projects Make Convincing Case for Circular Business Models

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - A recent report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and a number of new initiatives sweeping Europe have highlighted the convincing business case for companies to adopt circular principles into their business models. The latest development on the path to a circular economy? A new project across the UK and the Netherlands called REBus.

European Commission Releases New Clean Energy Package, But Is It Enough?
European Commission Releases New Clean Energy Package, But Is It Enough?

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Yesterday, the European Commission (EC) announced it will begin phasing out coal subsidies and reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030 under a new clean energy package.

How Organizations Are Transforming Business Models, Capitalism, Metrics, Systems
How Organizations Are Transforming Business Models, Capitalism, Metrics, Systems

NEW METRICS - On Monday, New Metrics ’16 opened on a hopeful note, despite the unrest following a volatile election season in the United States.

Shaw to Co-Host 5-City Workshop Series for Sustainability Thought Leaders
Shaw to Co-Host 5-City Workshop Series for Sustainability Thought Leaders

PRESS RELEASE - Shaw Industries Group, Inc. (Shaw), alongside the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, BuildingGreen, Google, and several others, will host a national workshop series entitled

From Inspiration to Transformation to Activation: Authentic Approaches to Fulfilling Brand Purpose
From Inspiration to Transformation to Activation: Authentic Approaches to Fulfilling Brand Purpose

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - In this volatile time of unceasing change, the opening night plenary presentations at SB’16 Copenhagen explored the characteristics an organisation needs to not just be resilient, but be ‘fit’ for the future. They unravelled the challenges and successes of their journeys through activating the purpose that moved them to more sustainable, future-fit organisations.

Introducing the Systems View of Life Into Organizations
Introducing the Systems View of Life Into Organizations

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - I recently took part in a Sustainable Brands webinar with Fritjof Capra, in which we discussed how to introduce systems thinking and the systems view of life into organizations. After interviewing Fritjof in January, I invited him to take part in this webinar to explore the issues in more depth, an opportunity which would also allow participants to ask questions and contribute their thoughts and ideas as well.

Future-Fit Business: A Metamorphosis in Our Midst
Future-Fit Business: A Metamorphosis in Our Midst

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Since the industrial revolution, we have achieved great feats of economic, social and technological advancement for which we can be proud. The structures and strictures of old have served us well in many material ways. But times they are a changin’. We now face increasing volatility: enter the world of commodity spikes, resource scarcity, environmental destruction, social inequality, economic turbulence, population and migrant pressure, changing demographics, the internet of things, climate change, and more.

NIKE's New Distribution Center to Make European Operations More Efficient, Agile, Sustainable
NIKE's New Distribution Center to Make European Operations More Efficient, Agile, Sustainable

SUPPLY CHAIN - NIKE, Inc. has unveiled the latest expansion of its European Logistics Campus in Belgium, to accelerate its drive toward “the supply chain of the future.” The expansion will make Nike’s European operations more efficient, more responsive and more sustainable, enabling growth by serving consumers across, Nike retail and wholesale partners in 38 countries, all from a single inventory location.

GM Recycles Water Bottles to Make Chevy Equinox Part
GM Recycles Water Bottles to Make Chevy Equinox Part

PRESS RELEASE - General Motors is turning its employees’ recycled water bottles into a new life: noise-reducing fabric insulation that covers the Chevrolet Equinox engine. The bottles – collected from five of its Michigan facilities – are also being turned into air filtration components and insulation in coats for the homeless community. Given its drive to zero waste, all of GM’s global facilities recycle their water bottles. However, the bottles collected at the five locations are now funneled into its “Do Your Part” project, where 11 businesses collaborate to give them a second life.

Companies Face 71% Likelihood of Finding Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
Companies Face 71% Likelihood of Finding Modern Slavery in Supply Chains

SUPPLY CHAIN - 71 percent of companies believe there is a likelihood of modern slavery occurring at some point within their supply chains, according to research conducted by the Ashridge Centre for Business and Sustainability at Hult International Business School and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).

The New Copernican Revolution: Fritjof Capra on the Shift to 'The Systems View of Life'
The New Copernican Revolution: Fritjof Capra on the Shift to 'The Systems View of Life'

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Fritjof Capra is one of the world’s leading thinkers in systems theory, and the author of many influential books, such as The Tao of Physics; The Web of Life: A New Synthesis of Mind and Matter; The Turning Point: Science, Society and the Rising Culture; The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living; and Learning from Leonardo: Decoding the Notebooks of a Genius.

Help FreshPaper Spread the Word About Its Food-Saving Potential to 100M Super Bowl Viewers
Help FreshPaper Spread the Word About Its Food-Saving Potential to 100M Super Bowl Viewers

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Fenugreen, 2013’s SB Innovation Open winner and creator of the potentially game-changing food-saving innovation FreshPaper, is one of 10 startup finalists in contention for the most coveted of TV spots: a Super Bowl ad.

CVS' No-Smokes Decision Decreased Tobacco Sales in Chains Across the US
CVS' No-Smokes Decision Decreased Tobacco Sales in Chains Across the US

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR CHANGE - One year after drugstore chain CVS Health stopped selling cigarettes, the company released new data that shows the decision has influenced tobacco sales across many types of retailers and announced a new school-based tobacco-prevention program.

The Implications of an Emerging Corporate Conscience for Sustainable Business Metrics: Part 16
The Implications of an Emerging Corporate Conscience for Sustainable Business Metrics: Part 16

NEW METRICS - In 15 earlier parts of this series, Claire Sommer and I developed 28 pitfalls in the sustainable business metrics field, based on the experiences of many mostly non-business fields. (Find them here.)

Greenpeace Continues Month of Shell Protests with 'Titanic'-Themed Performance
Greenpeace Continues Month of Shell Protests with 'Titanic'-Themed Performance

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS - Greenpeace has begun its latest campaign against Shell, with a month of protests over the oil giant’s plans to drill in the Arctic.

How to Drive Business Model Transformation from Inside Your Company
How to Drive Business Model Transformation from Inside Your Company

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - I attended a half-dozen panels during the first three days at SB ‘15 San Diego, each addressing a specific business function. I listened closely as experts shared case studies on incorporating sustainability into marketing, supply chain, employee engagement, etc. But it wasn’t until this Thursday morning breakout session, on the final day of the conference, that we finally seemed to tie it all together.

Philips, Dell, ASU Discuss How to Fill Existing Gaps in Shift Toward Circular Business Models
Philips, Dell, ASU Discuss How to Fill Existing Gaps in Shift Toward Circular Business Models

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - This #SB15sd Wednesday afternoon session on the circular economy convened a frank and open discussion about what is working, and what isn’t, when it comes to tweaking existing business ecosystems to accommodate circular models. Panelists compared notes on attempts to create new models, highlighted existing gaps, and discussed their visions for potential solutions.

How to Intervene in a System: A Practical Case Study of the Sustainable Surf Movement
How to Intervene in a System: A Practical Case Study of the Sustainable Surf Movement

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - “We’re going to talk about systems change,” began Pam Wilhelms, owner of Wilhelms Consulting Group. Wilhelms moderated a panel of changemakers that have driven sustainability in the surf industry. “We don’t change by top-down, we change by finding leverage points,” she said.