Last Chance Rate for SB'24 San Diego Expires Sept 22nd!

Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Report: Lack of Engagement of Middle Management Impeding Progress on SDGs

According to a new study released by Frost & Sullivan and GlobeScan on behalf of CSR Europe, a lack of middle management engagement is creating obstacles for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

HPE Becomes First IT Company to Set Science-Based Targets for Supply Chain

To meet the growing demand for connectivity while managing emissions throughout the value chain, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has launched the world’s first comprehensive supply chain management program based on climate science. The initiative will provide suppliers with the tools they need to develop a customized plan to reduce emissions and drive a global standard for supplier greenhouse gas engagement and reduction.

SB’17 Detroit, Day 3: Show, Don’t Tell; Trust vs Truth, and Transformational Collaboration

Learning from Detroit: Designing a More Diverse, Prosperous and Equitable Economy by Mara Slade Image credit: TechTown In an afternoon panel packed with Detroit leaders, we heard firsthand how they are working in human-centered ways to grow the local economy and support Detroit entrepreneurs.

In Search of Sustainable Leadership: Keep Your Head When They Are Losing Theirs

This is the seventh in a series of articles examining the many facets of ‘sustainable leadership.’ Find links to the entire series below. Our search for sustainable leadership has shown us how to find the opportunities in a crisis and turn the best of them into an inspiring vision. To help ensure successful implementation of that vision, sustainable leaders add two final abilities to their skill set.

SB'17 Detroit, Day 2: Consumer Preferences, Unintended Consequences and 'Leading with Delicious'

Day two of SB'17 Detroit picked up the momentum from day one and ran with it. ... Transforming Consumption Norms Around Food By Hope Freedman

SB’17 Detroit, Day 1: Redefining the Good Life with Courage, Reinvention and Pashon

We jump-started an incredibly action-packed week here at SB'17 Detroit with powerful plenaries from thought leaders, researchers and on-the-ground change-makers working to Redefine the Good Life in Detroit and beyond.

Ant Financial Harnesses Blockchain Technology to Finance Solutions for Global Sustainability Challenges

Alipay parent company Ant Financial Services Group has released its first-ever Corporate Social Responsibility Report and committed to leveraging the company’s technology, partners and employees to tackle issues such as climate change, inequality and poverty. The report includes the company’s progress update on Ant Forest, the in-app carbon tracking and tree planting initiative in Alipay, and Ant Love, its philanthropic platform.

Evolving Our Inner Game: How to Lead by Example, Defy Cynics and Inspire Active Collaborators

This week’s theme of Redefining the Good Life resonated in the Monday afternoon workshop with John Marshall Roberts of Worldview Thinking. Roberts described how the shadow of a limited frame of reference based on past learnings and experiences can cause us to be frame locked – seeking external validation and learning to “live with lack.” “You need to give voice to the unspoken yearning - inspire to action,“ Roberts stated. He was quick to point out that your inner game doesn’t need external validation – that this was a look inward that requires willingness to set out and stand for something.

Coca-Cola Looks to Local Produce to Drive Circular Agenda in India

The Coca-Cola Company is closing the loop and ramping up local sourcing of produce for its juice and aerated drinks category with an expansion of its fruit circular economy initiative.

Q&A: How Partnerships Are Helping Nestlé Create Shared Value

It’s been a busy year for Nestlé – joining various initiatives and making strategic investments aimed at everything from boosting recycling infrastructure to developing bio-based packaging to improving consumer eating habits. We spoke with Nestlé’s President of Corporate Affairs, Paul Bakus, ahead of his appearance this week at SB’17 Detroit, to learn how the food giant is leveraging partnerships to achieve its many sustainability goals.

Sustainable Living Products Continue to Drive Unilever's Growth

Six years after launching its Sustainable Living Plan, Unilever’s efforts to deliver brands and products with purpose and sustainability at their core are finally paying off.

In Search of Sustainable Leadership: Choosing a Way Forward

This is the sixth in a series of articles examining the many facets of ‘sustainable leadership.’ Find links to the entire series below.

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition Calls for International Carbon Pricing System

With more than 60 governments and 1,200 businesses now pricing carbon emissions, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) and a group of 200 organizations have issued a global call to action for the establishment of an international carbon pricing system, in an effort to achieve the 2°C target outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Staring Down Extinction: A Conversation with Elizabeth Kolbert

We are killing our planet. Of course, it’s not quite that simple, but, as acclaimed writer Elizabeth Kolbert explains in her Pulitzer-Prize-winning book The Sixth Extinction, humans are to blame for the impending mass extinction that will spell the end of many of the world’s species. The Earth has seen five other mass extinctions over the last half-billion years; one of them was the asteroid that obliterated the dinosaurs. But this time, it’s not an asteroid — it’s us.

Trending: Cutting-Edge Textile Policies Set New Bar for Apparel Industry

A more sustainable apparel industry is on the horizon thanks to continued efforts by industry leaders to develop innovative textile policies that value natural resources.

Dannon Builds a Healthier Future with Revamped Product Portfolio

The food industry is undergoing a major shift, with companies responding to growing consumer demand for transparency and products that put health and sustainability first. A new announcement from The Dannon Company provides yet another example of how brands are taking action and tapping into public-private partnerships to stay on par with the changing landscape.

In Search of Sustainable Leadership: An Opportunity Mindset

This is the fifth in a series of articles examining the many facets of ‘sustainable leadership.’ Find links to the entire series below. Our search for sustainable leadership has shown how defining vision, values and purpose helps organizations to adapt seamlessly to change. This brings competitive advantage that grows stronger with each challenge, built on courage, enthusiasm and the passion of the human spirit.

The Purpose Conflict: Confessions of a Purpose-Driven Agency Founder

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend Imperative’s Purpose Leadership training. While there, I took the time to reflect – not only on my own journey as the leader of a purpose-driven agency, but on a common challenge that our clients often face when it comes to "purpose," which is:

Stop Engaging – Start Fulfilling: A New Era of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is fading fast. For decades, employee engagement has been the cornerstone of “doing good” as a company, but it’s in decline for the first time since 2012, according to a study by Aon Hewitt. Considering that a company’s human capital is arguably its most valuable asset, this is a disturbing trend.

Authenticity: The Key to Winning with Purpose (Or, What Brands Can Learn from Nike)

Increasingly brands are turning to purpose as they realise that traditional marketing approaches are less and less effective among today’s consumers. Globally, 60 percent think that branded content is just clutter (Meaningful Brands 2017, Havas Media). Faced with seemingly endless product proliferation, they are choosing brands that offer more than just functional or emotional benefits. Instead, they are searching for a value proposition that makes a meaningful and authentic contribution to their lives and broader society. Consumers are seeking brands that demonstrate a purpose that contributes to the creation of a better world.