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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

McDonald’s To Sell MSC-Certified Fish in All U.S. Restaurants

McDonald’s, which uses Marine Stewardship Council certified wild-caught Alaska Pollock for its Filet-O-Fish sandwich, will begin displaying the blue MSC ecolabel on product packaging, in-restaurant communications and external marketing beginning in February — coinciding with the launch of Fish McBites, McDonald’s newest fish menu item, which also uses wild-caught, MSC-certified Alaska Pollock.

Unilever Accelerates Zero-Waste Goal Amid Continued Growth

Unilever today announced that more than 50% of its factories achieved the goal of sending no waste to landfill in 2012. This achievement has prompted the company to stretch its original zero-waste target by bringing its commitment for 2020 five years forward.

Report: More Companies Seeing Near-Term Risk in Climate Change

Seventy percent of companies believe climate change has the potential to affect their revenue significantly, a risk which is intensified by a chasm between the sustainable business practices of multinational corporations and their suppliers, according to research published today by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and Accenture.

Report: Business as Responsible as Government for Driving Social Change

The more powerful corporations become, the more obligated they are to behave ethically and with the public interest in mind, according to 73 percent of respondents in a new global consumer survey.

GE Report: Innovation on the Rise, Executives Conflicted About Best Approaches

Business model innovation and collaborative innovation are expected to play larger roles in global performance, particularly in emerging markets, according to the annual "Global Innovation Barometer," published by GE this week.

Same Brand, Different Business Model

Business model innovation is steadily becoming more of a familiar term in the combined world of brand marketing and sustainability.

Cutting the Fluff Out of Sustainability: An Interview with Ramon Arratia

Ramon Arratia is a sustainability director with 13 years' experience in corporate positions at companies such as Vodafone, Ericsson and, currently, Interface.

Orchestrating Movements: A New Role for Leaders

2011 has been a rough year for leaders. Popular revolutions toppled dictators in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya; the Occupy movement attacked corporate leaders who led us into recession; Europeans tossed government after government; and Americans watched in horror as their political leaders led the nation to the brink of default. We shook our heads as global summits failed to make any si

Thought Leadership and Sustainability: As Within, So Without

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Like most clichés, this one conveys some truth, as do words attributed to ancient Greek poet Hermesianax: “As within, so without.” Those who have endured inner-work fully enough to enjoy the outward results will attest that self-awareness leads to empowerment, which in turn leads to voice. Leadership, expressed thro

Novo Nordisk Ranked World’s Most Sustainable Corporation

Danish pharmaceutical firm Novo Nordisk was named the most sustainable corporation in the world by Corporate Knights, the Toronto-based media company focused on “clean capitalism.”Corporate Knights’ 2012 Global 100 list includes companies from 22 countries encompassing all sectors of the economy, with collective annual sales in excess of $3.02 trillion, and 5,285,645 million employees.The top ten companies on the list are:

Identity-Centered Leadership: Enabling Individuals and Brands to Thrive through Sustainability

Brand leadership is about creating a connection between the brand and its customers. We can identify three waves through which brand leadership has evolved in relation to sustainability:

Three Ways to Develop Your Inner Leadership (and Why Leaders of Sustainable Brands Should Care)

Whether you are a business leader or a MapQuest user, knowing where you are and where you want to go is important. But if you’re a leader of a sustainable brand, this is only the beginning. Who you are at your core now counts more than ever.

(Leadership) Change of Heart

I did not think about it before sitting down this evening (January 16, 2012), but to write about leadership on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is to feel one’s own limitations.

How Leadership at Cabot Creamery Makes All the Difference

When was the last time you saw the CEO of a world-class company wading knee-deep in the specification and design of sustainability metrics? Dr. Richard Stammer of Agri-Mark, Inc. (d.b.a. Cabot Creamery Cooperative) is one such person.

A New Toolbox For Today’s Brand Leaders

It used to be that good brand management simply meant finding the right positioning, leveraging well-understood media channels and delivering solid quarterly returns. Not anymore.

A Vision of Real Corporate Leadership on Sustainability

The basics of sustainability excellence are fairly well known by now: reduce your footprint, create products and services that help customers do the same, drive employee engagement, think value chain, track data and enable transparency, and on and on. But real leaders will go further and address the scale of the sustainability challenges we face by fundamentally remaking their

Leading Us "Into" The Woods

We use the word leadership easily, as if we really knew what we are talking about. But do we? We often view leaders as the ones who ride in on a white horse to save the day, to slay the dragons, to lead us out of the woods.

10 Character Traits of Today's Leaders

The great transformations in the history of humankind began with a vision -- a powerful vision that inspired and engaged people to collectively transform their reality. We have always had visionary people in our world -- some have used their vision for the good of all -- others for greed, exclusion and destruction.

Defining and Developing Personal and Brand Leadership

This month two of us - Andrew Winston and Chris Laszlo - begin 2012 with an inquiry into how personal and brand leadership is evolving to serve both thriving businesses and a flourishing world. The question of what leadership really looks like is vital;

Magnum Aiming to Enhance Financial Opportunities for 5K Female Cocoa Farmers by 2025

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. The ice cream brand aims to help 5,000 female cocoa farmers in Côte D'Ivoire achieve financial stability and diversify their incomes, for greater prosperity in the cocoa-farming offseason, by 2025.