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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Pepsi Achieves Safe Water Access Goal Two Years Early

On Thursday Pepsi announced it has reached its goal of helping three million people gain access to safe drinking water in Africa, Asia and Latin America two years ahead of schedule and now plans to double its target to helping six million by 2015.

2013 Retail Sustainability Report Showcases Industry Trends, Progress

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) has released its 2013 Retail Sustainability Report, which highlights progress towards the industry’s evolving sustainability objectives and identifies a class of top-performing characteristics.

Hostelling International USA Houses New Sustainability Program

Hostelling International USA yesterday announced the launch of a new eco-certification and sustainability monitoring system for its 50+ hostels in the United States.a new partnership with Sustainable Travel International and its

Whole Foods, Trader Joe's Among Retailers Saying No to Genetically Engineered Seafood

A coalition of 30 consumer, health, food safety and fishing groups today launched the Campaign for Genetically Engineered (GE)-Free Seafood by announcing that several major grocery retailers representing more than 2,000 stores across the US have already committed to not sell GE seafood if it is allowed onto the market.

Skoda Announces Three-Tiered GreenFuture Strategy

Czech automaker Skoda has announced a new sustainability strategy called GreenFuture aimed at making its cars more fuel-efficient and improving water and energy economy in its manufacturing plants.The company says GreenFuture rests on three main pillars; GreenProduct, GreenFactory and GreenRetail.

Despite Climate-Related Damages, Insurers Lack Strategies

Only one out of eight insurers said they have in-depth climate change strategies, according to a recent survey by investor advocacy group Ceres.

How Sustainability Strategy Impacts Your Corporate Brand and Ranking as an Employer of Choice

Sustainability strategy is a holistic, triple-bottom-line approach that considers the environment, society and profit in the development and implementation of business strategy. As you consider your corporate brand, think not only about your products and services but also about how prospective and current employees view your organization.

Teleculture: How To Preserve Company Culture from Afar

Since the dawn of time, human beings have organized into groups in order to fulfill basic human needs. We join together to gain stability, feel a sense of belonging, build our self-esteem and experience self-actualization. Traditionally, the ideal workplace has combined these elements, the upper ladders of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, into a fulfilling, well-functioning organization.

1) Stand Out. 2) Blend In. 3) Build Sustainable Brand.

People like to stand out. People like to blend in. Once you understand that oxymoron, you’ll be in a much better position to build a sustainable brand.

Research: Big Companies Increasing Climate Change Efforts While Suppliers Lag

Experts see a world facing greater risks this year than last, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2013, its latest annual assessment of global risk, and they rank environmental risks among the likeliest to manifest over the next 10 years.

Strong, Flexible Leadership Drives Sustainability at Caesars Entertainment

Amidst the wanton extravagance of the Las Vegas Strip, Caesars Entertainment is making notable strides in reducing its environmental impact. Estimates find that for every $10 million in revenue earned, Caesars produces fewer than 1,300 metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which monetize at less than $28,000 in environment costs (compared to an average 3,800 metric tons for S&P 500 companies, which monetize at over $80,000 in environmental costs).

Study Says 80% of Sustainability Professionals Pursue More Training

Sustainability is a growing field with highly educated professionals from diverse backgrounds, but many lack critical skills despite their training, a recent study released by the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) and Sustainable Plant says.

Valentino Trumps Louis Vuitton in Greenpeace Fashion Rankings

Greenpeace Italy released a new green ranking guide revealing major discrepancies between fifteen high-profile fashion brands on toxic water pollution and deforestation.

Consumers More Likely To Trust Peers, Experts Than Companies, Edelman Says

Fewer than 20 percent of consumers believe business leaders tell the truth when confronted with difficult issues, and they are twice as likely to trust academics, technical experts or even their peers, according to the 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer.This may come as no surprise following several high-profile scandals in 2012 involving CEOs and government officials, including former McKinsey managing partner Rajat Gupta, Chinese government official Bo Xilai and Lance Armstrong, former chairman of the Livestrong Foundation.

Obama Appoints REI CEO Sally Jewell as Next Secretary of the Interior

Yesterday President Obama announced his nomination of business executive and nature enthusiast Sally Jewell to join his cabinet as the next Secretary of the Interior.

Greenhouse Gas Regulations: Reframing Risk Management as Opportunity Realization

With a number of greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations emerging — including California’s AB32 — many companies are beginning to develop internal departments and strategies to manage the risk of impending climate regulation. Looking at emissions reductions solely from a risk-management perspective, however, can cost companies the opportunity to realize additional business value from their investments. Emerging compliance markets

In Nature, Myriad Lessons for Effective Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability leaders in large service-based organizations know it is important to promote grassroots leadership to engage employees with their organizations’ sustainability goals and brand promise. What happens when we explore the deepest roots of sustainable practices by letting nature guide us?Applying Biomimicry

In Nature, A Myriad Lessons for Effective Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability leaders in large service-based organizations know it is important to promote grassroots leadership to engage employees with their organizations’ sustainability goals and brand promise. What happens when we explore the deepest roots of sustainable practices by letting nature guide us?Applying Biomimicry

What Your Sustainable Brand Can Learn From the Lord of the Rings

“One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the RingsSustainability isn’t simple. And when it comes to uniting a group of people behind a green initiative, things tend to get messy.

Umicore Named Most Sustainable Company for Investment

Belgium‐based materials technology and recycling company Umicore topped the annual list of sustainable companies produced by Toronto-based investment research firm Corporate Knights. The Global 100 list was unveiled at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week. Natura Cosmeticos, Statoil, Neste Oil and Novo Nordisk rounded out the top five. (Novo Nordisk held the top spot on the 2012 list.)