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How Circular Thinking is Transforming Sustainable E-Commerce

How Circular Thinking is Transforming Sustainable E-Commerce
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
8:00am EST / 5:00am PST / 1:00pm GMT / 2:00pm CET
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How Circular Thinking is Transforming Sustainable E-Commerce. The e-commerce era has not only changed how consumers shop, but also how they return unwanted items. Once an afterthought for many retailers, providing a seamless returns experience has become top priority.

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The e-commerce era has not only changed how consumers shop, but also how they return unwanted items. Once an afterthought for many retailers, providing a seamless returns experience has become top priority. According to the 2017 UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper™ study, 79% of consumers said free shipping on returns is important when selecting an online retailer.

Today's retailers are finding innovative ways to address the logistical, economic and environmental challenges associated with returns shipments. Crystal Lassiter, Sr. Director of Global Sustainability and Environmental Affairs at UPS, and Ann Starodaj, Sr. Director of Sustainability at Optoro, will share how they're combining global logistics expertise and the world's leading reverse logistics platform to help retailers manage returned and excess inventory.

What You Will Learn

In this webinar, attendees will be presented with these takeaways:

  1. Learn about the latest issues in the reverse supply chain and how they affect sustainable practices.
  2. Learn how UPS and Optoro have teamed up to deliver an innovative reverse logistics solution that enables the circular economy.

Additional Resources:


Ann Starodaj
Senior Director of Sustainability

Ann Starodaj is the Senior Director of Sustainability at Optoro, a reverse logistics technology company based in Washington DC. She brings over a decade of experience in the sustainability field, having held previous positions in the government, non-profit, and private sectors.

Crystal Lassiter
Sr. Director, Global Sustainability & Environmental Affairs

Crystal Lassiter is the Sr. Director, Global Sustainability & Environmental Affairs at UPS. Her responsibilities include developing and driving the strategies, initiatives, and reporting activities that advance UPS’s sustainability goals.