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Jeb Ory


Jeb Ory is cofounder and CEO of Phone2Action.

Jeb Ory is cofounder and CEO of Phone2Action, a digital advocacy and communications platform that directly powers social movements by elevating people’s voices through technology.

Jeb Ory is tagged in 4 stories.
Virtue Signaling vs Advocacy: What Brands Can Learn from Patagonia’s Campaign to Protect the Arctic
Virtue Signaling vs Advocacy: What Brands Can Learn from Patagonia’s Campaign to Protect the Arctic

Organizational Governance / If your brand is serious about sustainability, look no further than Patagonia’s example. The company shows us all what it looks like to build a community of advocates and network of allies that work collectively to shape policymaking. Your brand has that power, too. - 4 years ago

2019: The Year of the Civic CEO
2019: The Year of the Civic CEO

Marketing & Communications / New mediums of communication, power and trust produced the Civic CEO, and she is here to stay. - 5 years ago

'Earth Day Every Day': 4 Tips for Successful Corporate Activism
'Earth Day Every Day': 4 Tips for Successful Corporate Activism

Marketing & Communications / Companies have long run sustainability initiatives that exclude customers. To be fair, these companies have donated a percentage of profits to charities, volunteered employee time, reduced emissions, cleaned up supply chains, and much more. However, their customers have been on the sideline, sometimes aware but not personally engaged. Through corporate activism, brands can change this dynamic and make customers partners in their most meaningful sustainability initiatives. Here are some tips based on brands that have used it successfully. - 5 years ago

Activating Community: How Box Inspired Real-Time Digital Social Impact
Activating Community: How Box Inspired Real-Time Digital Social Impact

Marketing & Communications / How do you get a community to take immediate social action when you have just a handful of minutes onstage? This question doesn’t get asked often — or sound plausible — because most organizations have created an imaginary line between things that happen in ‘real life’ and things that happen in ‘digital life.’ At conferences, keynote speakers make their pitch for social action and hope, against the odds, that attendees will remember to donate to causes or email their lawmakers later. - 6 years ago