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Jeff MacDonald

Jeff MacDonald is tagged in 3 stories.
Authenticity: The Key to Winning with Purpose (Or, What Brands Can Learn from Nike)
Authenticity: The Key to Winning with Purpose (Or, What Brands Can Learn from Nike)

Walking the Talk / Increasingly brands are turning to purpose as they realise that traditional marketing approaches are less and less effective among today’s consumers. Globally, 60 percent think that branded content is just clutter (Meaningful Brands 2017, Havas Media). Faced with seemingly endless product proliferation, they are choosing brands that offer more than just functional or emotional benefits. Instead, they are searching for a value proposition that makes a meaningful and authentic contribution to their lives and broader society. Consumers are seeking brands that demonstrate a purpose that contributes to the creation of a better world. - 7 years ago

A New Era for Movement Brands: 6 Lessons from the Women’s March
A New Era for Movement Brands: 6 Lessons from the Women’s March

Marketing and Comms / January’s Women’s March was one of the biggest global movements of recent years. An estimated 5 million people marched in 17 different countries to show their support for basic human rights — freedom, equality, justice and personal security - which are increasingly under threat across different areas of people’s lives. - 7 years ago

Stop Selling, Start Mobilizing: The Rise of Movement Brands
Stop Selling, Start Mobilizing: The Rise of Movement Brands

Marketing and Comms / The relationship between brands and people is being transformed before our very eyes; the old-fashioned, binary model of companies selling and people consuming is dead. Traditional, rigid hierarchies of control are being replaced with more fluid and open peer-to-peer networks. We are rapidly adopting the principles of a sharing economy as the mainstream norm and there is a new world order forming. You can choose to see this as either a challenge or an opportunity but the brands that will win are the movement brands that are brave enough to let their consumers take an equal stake in setting the agendas and creating content. - 7 years ago