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John M

John M is tagged in 3 stories.
Effective Sustainability Strategies Case Study #2: Soma Water
Effective Sustainability Strategies Case Study #2: Soma Water

Marketing and Comms / In the first post of our multi-part series on proven sustainability strategies, we saw how Pret a Manger applied the “style & substance” sustainability strategy to create a £450 million a year sandwich business. In this post, we are excited to profile Soma, a company sending ripples through the water filtration industry by placing sustainability at the heart of its offering. - 10 years ago

Big Business + Big Data = Big Sustainability
Big Business + Big Data = Big Sustainability

ICT and Big Data / When it comes to sustainability, Big Data is proving to be a big opportunity — businesses are now able to collect, store and process mind-boggling amounts of data. IBM estimates that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, meaning that 90% of the data in the world was created over the last two years. Analysing, evaluating and understanding this level of information is providing insights that are transforming the way business is done. - 10 years ago

Effective Sustainability Strategies - Case Study #1: Pret a Manger
Effective Sustainability Strategies - Case Study #1: Pret a Manger

Marketing and Comms / Bar none, the most persistent challenge that the sustainability movement faces is how to prove the business bottom line benefits of sustainability activities. This is particularly acute for small and medium-sized companies, for whom survival is the number one priority. When looking at who engages and communicates sustainability activities, a disproportionate number of them are large corporates with dedicated sustainability/CSR budgets, as covered in our previous post. All too often, sustainability is a ‘tack-on’ to what business normally do anyway, and not the reason for being. - 10 years ago