Jonathan Hanwit is co-founder of thinkPARALLAX, a strategic brand consultancy that works with companies to define and activate their purpose.
As a branding, strategy, and citizenship expert, Jonathan helps companies articulate, communicate and activate their purpose to enhance performance, engagement and reputation.
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Organizational Governance /
Not so long ago, there was a large disconnect between doing good and good business. While the idea of corporate social responsibility has been around since the 1960s, businesses have historically approached CSR and sustainability as a “feel good” silo or regulatory requirement — a means to improve public image reputation and mitigate risk, but not much else. It wasn't until recent years that companies discovered that social impact programs could benefit a company in more remunerative ways — increasing revenue, creating new markets, driving innovation, retaining talent, and opening the doors to new business opportunities. As such, it was rare for CEOs and CFOs to even nod their heads towards citizenship and sustainability, much less make it a priority.
- 6 years ago