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Vanessa Coleman


Vanessa Coleman is tagged in 5 stories.
Tackling the Unseen Climate Costs of a Plastic Planet
Tackling the Unseen Climate Costs of a Plastic Planet

Circular Economy / Whether it’s using the carrot of incentives or the stick of regulations, change is possible — and strongly desired. So, what can brands do? Be proactive and make the extra effort to find and choose recycled plastic whenever possible. - 2 years ago

Decoding Ocean Plastic for Brands: Small Details, Big Impacts
Decoding Ocean Plastic for Brands: Small Details, Big Impacts

Materials & Packaging / While the terminology soup of recycled plastic sourcing is daunting, at the end of the day every ton of plastic recycled and put back into a circular economy is part of the solution. The key for brands is to be clear and honest in communications with customers. - 3 years ago

Growing the Market with Averted Plastic
Growing the Market with Averted Plastic

Materials & Packaging / “Averted Plastic” encompasses any mismanaged plastic waste. Oceanworks has expanded its marketplace to include this material — incentivizing entrepreneurs worldwide to divert all plastic waste into economical recycling programs. - 3 years ago

Strategies for Scaling Ocean Plastic Supply
Strategies for Scaling Ocean Plastic Supply

Materials & Packaging / Brand commitments are the engine driving recycled plastic’s transition to scale. Making recycled plastic content part of your brand story is hands down the most important way to move the needle. - 3 years ago

Is Plastics Recycling Still a Lie?
Is Plastics Recycling Still a Lie?

Materials & Packaging / More and more plastic is finally being recovered and recycled by companies that share Oceanworks’ commitment to ensuring that this feedstock becomes — and remains — a first choice for the industry going forward. - 3 years ago