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11 Startups Redesigning Business:
Meet the 2018 SBIO Semi-Finalists

After one of our most high-traffic voting periods to date, it’s time to meet the eleven semi-finalists in the 7th annual Sustainable Brands Innovation Open (SBIO) — our competition for startups that positively impact people, planet and profit, co-sponsored by Makersite and RISN Incubator.

After one of our most high-traffic voting periods to date, it’s time to meet the eleven semi-finalists in the 7th annual Sustainable Brands Innovation Open (SBIO) — our competition for startups that positively impact people, planet and profit, co-sponsored by Makersite and the Arizona State University RISN Incubator.

Aquam Technologies LLC

Aquam delivers onsite wastewater treatment technology that provides savings of 50 to 95 percent for industrial wastewater applications. Aquam’s patented approach reduces primary sludge and organic carbon, while producing direct electricity – and no methane – in a small modular footprint.

​Founded at MIT, Renewlogy develops solutions to prevent landfill-bound waste. Through its chemical recycling process, the company gives ‘waste’ materials another life and creates new products such as industrial waxes, 3D-printer filament, fuels and chemicals.

Fixup offers convenient repair services for a wide range of household items. The startup helps create local jobs and reduce the environmental impact of overconsumption by allowing New Yorkers to drop off broken items at one of the startup’s partner location and pick them up at that same location one month later.

HealRWorld is a social impact, for-profit company that provides data on global sustainability-committed SMEs delivered via an analytics platform. The startup aims to help fuel the conscious capitalism movement through its global online community and collection of private company social and environmental data.

ECOLOO Group develops, builds and markets unique patented innovations and environmental solutions that are based on the principles of simplicity, scalability, environmental responsibility and economic viability. The company's Sustainable Toilet Technology is an odourless, waterless, sewage-free, energy-free, maintenance-free, decentralized biological toilet system that can save money and lives.

good natured Products Inc.

good natured produces and distributes one of North America’s widest assortments of consumer products and packaging made from the highest possible percentage of renewable, plant-based materials and free of BPA, phthalates and other chemicals of concern.

UBQ has developed an advanced, patented waste-conversion technology to produce sustainable bio-based materials. It diverts waste from landfills while providing an efficient long-term regenerative material resource to support the circular economy.

Carbon Analytics automates carbon footprinting for businesses through accounting integrations with Quickbooks and Xero - allowing companies of any size to quickly and affordably calculate, share and reduce their environmental impact and help lead the low-carbon revolution.

Plascon Plastics is a plastics injection molding partner that creates plastic products and packaging. The company helps organizations achieve their sustainability goals through recycled material technologies, use of up to 100 percent post-consumer recycled materials (PCR), and innovative product designs.

Cocoa transforms organic waste into high quality humus compost, which it sells to conventional farmers for fertilizer. Cocoa Compost reduces landfill waste and air, soil and water pollution while increasing crop yields and farmer profits.