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3M to Invest $1 Billion to Achieve Carbon Neutrality, Reduce Water Use, and Improve Water Quality

3M today announced it expects to invest approximately $1 billion over the next 20 years to accelerate new environmental goals: achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, reduce water use by 25% at its facilities, and return higher quality water to the environment after use in manufacturing operations.

"As we grow 3M, we will lead in environmental stewardship, social equity and justice, and corporate governance," said 3M chairman and CEO Mike Roman. "We are taking action now to bend the curve on carbon emissions and water use, and improve water quality. Our investments will make us more effective and efficient and drive growth. Today's announcements demonstrate again how 3M applies science to improve lives to help shape the world through cleaner air, better water quality, and less waste."

The company's long-term investments will help advance waste reduction and pollution control programs, reduce water usage, and acquire and apply best available technology. The investments further accelerate 3M's continuous improvement of its manufacturing operations and ability to deliver on its environmental goals.

Read the full release here.