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4 Reasons to Attend the Upcoming ARCS Forum 4/29

We know you are busy, but here are four reasons not to miss the April 29th ARCS Forum:

We know you are busy, but here are four reasons not to miss the April 29th ARCS Forum:

1. The best of corporate sustainability meets the best academics who study it: It is not very often that corporate sustainability professionals have the opportunity to participate in intimate dialogue with the academics studying corporate responsibility from leading business schools, including Haas, MIT, Harvard, Dartmouth and UC Santa Barbara.

2. Keep your finger on the pulse: Sustainability veteran Mark Lee (SustainAbility) kicks-off the morning session with an overview of emerging sustainability trends, based on the annual GlobeScan/Sustainability survey, which takes the pulse of the most influential thought leaders in the sustainability arena from over sixty countries.

3. Hear organizational change expert Peter Senge: A rare West Coast opportunity to hear from organizational change expert **Peter Senge (**MIT Sloan) as well as sustainable business leaders from Autodesk, SAP and Clif Bar on the most effective approaches to driving sustainability from within. Worth attending just for this session!

4. Great networking opportunities: The attendees at the conference are high quality and diverse–not the same old folks you might find at a typical CSR event. A great opportunity for meaningful conversations.

Register HERE. Click HERE for the current Forum schedule.