This article was prompted by a recent discussion I had with a colleague about
the right intensity metric to use for quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
in the healthcare industry. In particular, I was questioning the use of
facility area as the denominator. I’ve been working in the
sustainability industry for some time now; and I’ve come to believe that
organizations often choose suboptimal intensity metrics — particularly,
intensity denominators.
What’s an intensity metric?
The amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by an organization is an
important KPI when evaluating that organization's sustainability performance.
Total energy consumed is a closely related KPI. Other KPIs common in the
sustainability industry include amounts of waste generated or water consumed.
These indicators are considered absolute indicators. In the interest of
demonstrating social responsibility, most organizations seek to reduce these
Absolute KPIs have an important role, but they are also problematic. Consider
that most organizations are compelled to show growth over time — reducing KPIs
in the form of absolute waste or consumption poses a dilemma for these
organizations (For the purpose of this conversation, we’ll ignore the inherent
conflict in pursuing both indefinite growth and sustainability simultaneously).
Regardless of whether a particular organization is growing or not, there will be
natural fluctuations in any organization’s activity due to market fluctuations
or other business cycles. To accommodate these fluctuations, it’s common
practice for organizations to quantify sustainability performance using
intensity indicators or intensity metrics. Such intensity metrics introduce
a denominator to express efficiency. For example, a manufacturing
organization might use an intensity metric in the form of:

The concept of emissions per widget manufactured as a key sustainability
indicator makes sense for a manufacturing organization. However, going back to
the premise for this article, what makes “facility area” the right denominator
for intensity metrics that express sustainability performance in healthcare?
We’ll proceed with our discussion of intensity metrics under the assumption that
using GHG emissions or other forms of waste generated or energy consumed as a
numerator is non-controversial. We’ll focus on the denominator, instead. Despite this
focus, it’s important to remember that the intensity metrics under discussion
must be considered holistically.
What is meant by efficiency?
We stated above that intensity denominators are used to express efficiency.
A common definition of efficiency is:
maximum productivity with minimum waste
Going back to the sample intensity metric for the manufacturing organization, we
see that waste is expressed in the numerator while productivity is expressed
in the denominator. As such, it makes sense that waste is expressed as GHG
emissions and productivity as “number of widgets manufactured.” It also makes
sense that we would seek to minimize the intensity metric that is waste/productivity.
Going back again to the healthcare example, how does “facility area” express
productivity? Is that the right denominator? More generally, is productivity
the right denominator?
This is where it gets interesting.
The purpose of intensity metrics
Let’s be clear on the utility of intensity metrics. We’ve established that our
intensity metric is intended to quantify efficiency. At the most abstract level,
we’re measuring efficiency so that we can drive change to improve outcomes. Many
organizations set targets (such as Science
Based Targets) for various intensity metrics and
work hard to achieve them. While the goal of improving outcomes or improving
efficiency is arguably an objective goal, the specific metrics that we seek to
optimize are subjective and subject to debate.
Stakeholders and perspectives
The first criteria that we should consider in selecting intensity metrics are
the stakeholders that are seeking to quantify performance and the organizations
for which performance is being quantified. Different stakeholders of different
types of organizations will look at efficiency from different perspectives.
The profit perspective
Executives and board members of for-profit organizations may seek to maximize
profit. One definition of “profit” is:
a financial gain — especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something
In this case, a denominator that expresses productivity is ideal because,
according to the definition, profit is maximized when productivity is maximized.
Amount spent is a proxy for GHG emissions or energy expended (either of which
make up the numerator).
The social good perspective
Directors of social justice organizations will likely seek to optimize their
organization’s efficiency in generating social good. For a non-profit healthcare
organization, an ideal denominator that serves the social good might be “patient
In the case of manufacturing organizations, it’s unlikely that most stakeholders
will be directly motivated to maximize social good. Even if there were
stakeholders seeking to do so, it’s hard to imagine a denominator metric for a
manufacturing organization that would align with social good. However, given
that GHG emissions is a common numerator for intensity metrics; social good is
served by minimizing the numerator, regardless of the type of organization.
Similarly, healthcare organizations may be for-profit organizations and as such,
profit is an appropriate denominator. It’s safe to say that a single
organization may have multiple intensity metrics that stakeholders seek to
Denominator type vs denominator metric
We’ve considered two different denominators for different stakeholder types:
profit and social good. These are metric types rather than specific
To illustrate, the concept of profit is somewhat abstract; but for the most
part, we expect to measure profit in financial terms. Thus, for a denominator
type of profit, the specific denominator metric might be revenue. Specific
metrics for denominators of type ‘social good’ are less obvious.
So, to determine the appropriate intensity denominator we must consider:
The organization being measured
The stakeholder that is measuring
The denominator type that represents productivity for the organization and
the stakeholder
Only then can we determine a specific denominator metric.
Alignment of denominator metric with desired outcome
As we work our way down the decision tree to choose a denominator metric, it’s
important to confirm that we remain aligned with the ultimate outcome desired.
In the abstract, we’re seeking an intensity metric that quantifies efficiency in
the form of a cost/benefit ratio. We’re committed to expressing the numerator (cost) as GHG emissions or other forms of waste or
energy consumed. Depending on the organization and the stakeholder, it’s
relatively straightforward to choose a denominator type that aligns with
benefit. In general, it will be harder to choose a specific denominator metric
that aligns with benefit.
For a denominator of type profit, this is not a problem; we previously suggested
that ‘revenues’ might be a well-aligned metric. Another metric that corresponds
to profit, but is slightly less directly correlated, might be ‘number of widgets
manufactured’ (for a manufacturing organization).
On the other hand, while ‘patient health’ might be a type of denominator that
corresponds well to the benefit sought for a healthcare organization, what would
the specific denominator metric be? Would it be the number of patients ‘healed’?
Would it be some quantification of the average ‘wellbeing’ reported by a patient
population? These metrics are clearly well aligned with the benefit we’re
seeking, but they are elusive to quantify.
It could be argued that ‘facility area’ is an easily quantified, specific metric
that aligns with patient health. Healthcare facilities with more area are able,
in theory, to treat more patients. However, the line from area to patient
health (let alone, benefit) is tenuous.
Availability of measurable data
One of the reasons that ‘area’ is such a common denominator metric across
organization types is that it’s easily measured — as is ‘revenues.’ It’s much
more difficult to collect measurable data representing patient health or
The availability and measurability of data quantifying a metric is an important
criterion to consider in determining the right metric.
Controllability and motivation
The next considerations are the controllability of the metric and executives’
motivation around changing the metric. Remember that the reason we’re
discussing intensity metrics to begin with is because we’re trying to drive
business decisions and change — to improve the cost/benefit ratio of our
operations. We may be setting targets that we expect to be able to meet. If the
metrics we select leave us with no ability or motivation to improve them, then
our work is for naught.
Going back to the ‘area’ metric, this is a metric that executives can often
control. Many knowledge industries (such as consulting firms or accounting
firms) operate multiple office spaces and tend to increase or decrease office
area as business needs warrant. To be clear, we don’t expect that executives
would be motivated to increase area for the sake of meeting intensity targets.
However, area serves as an indirect indicator of
staffing levels; so, executives would likely be motivated to staff efficiently
based on business needs.
While our focus here is on the denominator of our intensity metric, it’s the
efficiency as a whole that we’re trying to improve. Thus, while we might
question the value in increasing area per se; the value in decreasing emissions
per area is obvious. We’d expect executives to adjust area in response to
business needs while simultaneously looking for methods to decrease emissions
per area.
Unintended consequences
As we consider metrics that correspond less directly with outcome, we must
beware of unintended consequences. Continuing with the example above, a bad
actor could conceivably choose to lease warehouse space that is unconditioned
(meaning, not needing energy to heat or cool; and therefore; not increasing the
numerator or cost part of the intensity metric), solely for the purpose of
reducing the overall value of an efficiency metric for which they are
Often, it is easy to find a denominator intensity metric that is directly
correlated with outcome if we are granular enough. For example, we could define
an intensity metric that is:

This intensity metric is especially interesting in the context of our healthcare
example. To illustrate, imagine that we carve out facility area corresponding
exclusively to operating theaters. Cooling operating rooms, for example, aligns
well with the assumed benefit of surgical healing; and much of the cost (in the
form of energy consumed and emissions generated) of operating rooms is expended
on cooling energy. In this case, a hospital executive would be motivated to seek
efficient methods of cooling operating facilities.
We see that, in this case, defining our intensity metric at fine-enough granularity results in a metric that is well-aligned to our cost/benefit efficiency consideration — which is easy enough to measure and that we can expect executives to be motivated to reduce. While these kinds of fine-granularity metrics can be attractive, they are not without peril.
Peril of metrics that are too granular
It turns out that fugitive emissions from anesthesia gases can account for as
much as 50 percent
of perioperative department
As such, cooling-related emissions costs — while important — can be a distraction from more productive areas of focus. The organizations and
operations that we’re working with are complex systems. The subsystems that
make them up can interact with each other in unexpected ways, which argues for
looking at organizations more holistically. After all, we should be seeking the
overall wellbeing of a population and not the maximum number of surgeries in
optimizing the cost/benefit ratio of healthcare.
We’ve not identified the optimal sustainability intensity metric for use in healthcare or any other industry. We’ve not even defined a rigid methodology for identifying an intensity metric. But we’ve seen that it might make sense to have more than one intensity metric — whether that’s in the interest of serving multiple stakeholders or examining a complex system to get more directly correlated metrics.
Instead, we’ve discussed a sort of rubric — a set of considerations to help us reach a decision regarding the ‘right’ intensity metrics to use for the purpose of evaluating organizations. We’ve decided that the intensity numerator is a metric that quantifies GHG emissions, or other waste or
energy consumed. So, the rubric should be used largely to arrive at a denominator metric (recognizing that the intensity ratio must be considered holistically).
We list those considerations here — recognizing that we might generally apply
these considerations in the order listed; but more often, we will be moving
between them iteratively:
The organization being measured — What’s the organization? What are the
organizational boundaries?
The stakeholders that are measuring — Who are the stakeholders? What are
the various stakeholders’ interests? Are any aligned? Consider defining
different intensity metrics for different stakeholders.
The denominator type — What type of metric represents productivity for
the organization for the different stakeholders?
Denominator metrics — By now, it should be possible to converge on a
short list of candidate metrics.
Alignment — How well do each of the candidate metrics align with the
stakeholders’ interests?
Data availability — Is data available for each of the metrics? Is it
quantitative? Quantifiable?
Controllability — Are the metrics subject to control? Can executives
succeed by making business decisions that will impact the metrics?
Motivation — Will executives be motivated to change the metrics? What
unintended consequences might arise?
Granularity — Are the metrics fine-grain enough to correlate with the
outcomes? Or are they too granular — obscuring the overall outcomes desired
or threatening to interact in ways that are counterproductive?
While this article is not conclusive, I hope to have offered a rubric that the
reader finds useful. In subsequent articles, I’ll offer more specifics. I’ll
also offer a mechanism for quantifying high-level, system-wide intensity metrics
for organizations that produce a mix of goods and/or services.
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Published Aug 25, 2023 11am EDT / 8am PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST