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New BillerudKorsnas environmental product declarations show greenhouse gas emissions cut by 5–19 percent

IVL Swedish Environment Research has analysed the environmental impact of ten products from BillerudKorsnäs. The findings reveal that emissions of greenhouse gases have fallen by between 5 and 19 percent since the previous analysis in 2012.

The products that have been examined are BillerudKorsnäs Artisan, Carry, Decor, Design, Flute®, Light, Liquid FC, Liquid LC, Supreme and White, and the results demonstrate that the company has succeeded in cutting the associated greenhouse gas emissions by 5–19 percent* since 2012. The majority of the reduction is attributable to cuts in the consumption of fossil fuels.

IVL Swedish Environment Research has analysed the environmental impact of ten products from BillerudKorsnäs. The findings reveal that emissions of greenhouse gases have fallen by between 5 and 19 percent since the previous analysis in 2012.

The products that have been examined are BillerudKorsnäs Artisan, Carry, Decor, Design, Flute®, Light, Liquid FC, Liquid LC, Supreme and White, and the results demonstrate that the company has succeeded in cutting the associated greenhouse gas emissions by 5–19 percent* since 2012. The majority of the reduction is attributable to cuts in the consumption of fossil fuels.

It's extremely pleasing to note that our work to reduce our carbon footprint is developing in a positive direction, and that our products are performing well in competition. -Bengt Brunberg, Sustainability Manager at BillerudKorsnäs.

The work with life cycle analyses and environmental product declarations provides BillerudKorsnäs with ongoing insight into areas where there is room for improvement in every link of the chain from the extraction of raw materials to final delivery to the customer. It encompasses utilisation of chemicals and emissions from both transports and own production. For all these areas, BillerudKorsnäs has sharpened its objectives (read BillerudKorsnäs adopts scientifically founded climate targets).

BillerudKorsnäs' environmental product declarations are prepared in accordance with the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) standard and highlight the extent of each product's environmental impact per tonne and 1,000 square metres produced. The report primarily focuses on acidification, over-fertilization through the release of nutrients, greenhouse gases and ground-level ozone, but it also takes into account the volumes of natural resources consumed – stone, chalk and salts, for example, through mining operations or the production of chemicals – and energy consumption in the form of biomass, natural gas and oil, as well as the utilisation of electricity and water. All environmental product declarations can be read and downloaded here.