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Press Release
DuPont Sorona Fibre Celebrates Five Years of Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Certification

The Oeko-Tex Association has congratulated DuPont on the fifth year of Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification for the company’s Sorona, the renewably sourced fibre used in apparel, home textiles, and residential, commercial, and automotive carpets.

The Oeko-Tex Association has congratulated DuPont on the fifth year of Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification for the company’s Sorona, the renewably sourced fibre used in apparel, home textiles, and residential, commercial, and automotive carpets.

<p.based a="" age="" and="" be="" been="" by="" certification="" class="" dangerous="" earned="" fibre="" for="" free="" from="" granted="" harmful="" has="" indicating="" infants="" ingredients="" intended="" it="" levels="" limit="" meets="" more="" most="" oeko-tex="" of="" on="" potentially="" products="" renewable="" requires="" signifying="" sorona="" standard="" stringent="" substances.="" tested="" than="" that="" the="" three="" to="" toddlers="" use="" younger.="">High performance fibre

“The independent, voluntary Oeko-Tex certification is an important part of the complete Sorona sustainability story,” commented Renee Henze Marketing Leader, at DuPont Biomaterials. “We created Sorona to be a high performance fibre that is better for the environment but, to be truly sustainable, Sorona also must not contain substances harmful to the consumer. The Oeko-Tex testing and certification process confirms this.”


Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified products are tested for concerning substances such as pesticides, heavy metals like lead and mercury, formaldehyde, carcinogenic dyes, residual surfactants, and a long list of other chemicals that can have harmful effects on people as well as on the environment.

The certification requires annual renewal and Oeko-Tex conducts site visits and retail audits to help certificate holders maintain the standard’s requirements. Sorona’s Oeko-Tex certification also means that the fibre can be used in other Oeko-Tex certified textile and apparel products without concern.

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