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Welcome to #iamtech. This is a publication for YOU.

  The lens on diversity in tech couldn’t be more focused at this moment in our collective history. As part of our commitment to diversity, Symantec wants to give a voice to those underrepresented in the tech industry — including minorities, women, LGBT, veterans, disabled and people entering into tech as a second career — as we explore how we got here and how we move the industry forward to be truly reflective of today’s society. To achieve this, we’ve launched a Medium publication #iamtech for you, for everyone interested in this topic — to talk about what diversity and inclusion means to you.

The lens on diversity in tech couldn’t be more focused at this moment in our collective history. As part of our commitment to diversity, Symantec wants to give a voice to those underrepresented in the tech industry — including minorities, women, LGBT, veterans, disabled and people entering into tech as a second career — as we explore how we got here and how we move the industry forward to be truly reflective of today’s society.

To achieve this, we’ve launched a Medium publication #iamtech for you, for everyone interested in this topic — to talk about what diversity and inclusion means to you.

#iamtech explores the diverse faces of Symantec’s employees and partners, where readers can come to truly understand what it’s like to be an underrepresented individual in the tech industry — and inspire and elevate solutions that foster a more diverse future for tech.

Since its launch in April, #iamtech has featured many impactful insights and personal stories including:

Symantec India employee C Moulee is “Making One Cubicle Safe at a Time” by spreading awareness and acceptance of LGBT people in a country where homosexuality can be criminalized:

"In late 2013, India’s highest court suddenly turned me and millions of other gays into criminals – once more. It was a devastating blow. But I knew we didn’t have the luxury of grieving. It was clear that we would need to seek protection in our workplaces and our communities since we wouldn’t have it under the law."

– C Moulee

Symantec Principal Research Engineer Aleatha Parker-Wood discloses “The Patent Truth About Women”, how she is breaking down the bias that males are superior engineers and the need to encourage female engineers and inventors:

"For women, patents push back against people’s biases that men are better engineers than women. I’m a scientist so I think data talks and in volumes. Rather than telling men they should embrace diversity and be more welcoming of women, you can say, “Look, women are doing exactly as much as you guys are.” It’s quantifiable. I think that speaks. It says women create the same value as men and are worth the same money, too."

Cass Averill, Symantec Computer Security Specialist, opens up about how “Transgender Means so Much More Than Changing Your Body” and the view his transition provided on the differences that still remain in being a female or male in the tech industry:

“I knew tech was a male-dominated field long before I entered it. But the difference in how men and women are treaded in tech really became clear after I transitioned……My work, skills, and knowledge hadn’t changed. The only difference was my gender representation.”

And in the article “You Don’t Have to Be a Techie to Work in Tech” Jackie Duncan, Symantec Director Sales Operations North and Emerging Regions, EMEA, provides a compelling exploration of her diverse career before Symantec, highlighting how she followed her passions and overcame barriers along the way. From being the first female pilot in the UK’s Royal Air Force to “leaning in” with the British Railway, she demonstrates that everyone can find their professional niche if you’re willing to think outside the box, follow your heart and take a chance every now and then.

“Though I wasn’t hankering after a career in tech — it’s not like I am technological at heart — I do care about keeping people safe. And I care about working in a culture where you’re judged on your merit…

…. Choosing a career is about understanding your skills, how you tick and finding a company that shares your values. You don’t have to love aircraft to be a pilot or trains to work on the railway. You don’t have to be a techie to work in tech.”

#iamtech is just getting started, and we look forward to expanding our discussion this year.

To create an engaging forum that represents the diversity of talent, diversity of experiences and diversity of perspectives shaping the future of Symantec, our industry and an equal future for all.

We hope you will join us as a reader by visiting #iamtech periodically, joining the discussion through comments on our articles, taking part as a contributor by sharing your stories and insights, or encouraging others throughout your network to follow #iamtech.

Up next #iamtech will feature a series of stories celebrating National Cybersecurity Awareness Month – watch the #iamtech space for more!