Shokobutsu Hana, a natural cosmetics sub-brand from Japanese company Lion, has launched a campaign to build awareness of the “healthy beauty brought by the power of nature” by literally cleaning a polluted river with an 88-foot floating organic billboard.
Japanese Company Creates Floating Billboard to Clean Polluted River
Shokobutsu Hana, a natural cosmetics sub-brand from Japanese company Lion, has launched a campaign to build awareness of the “healthy beauty brought by the power of nature” by literally cleaning a polluted river with an 88-foot floating organic billboard.
Speaking of innovative ways to clean water, a startup called WaterBean has developed a filter to purify tap water into clean drinking water. The WaterBean not only removes impurities found in ordinary tap water such as chlorine and odors, it also adds essential minerals such as Magnesium, which eliminates the need to buy bottled water.
Coca-Cola recently announced that it is on track to meet its 2020 water replenishment goal by balancing an estimated 68 percent of the water used in its finished beverages based on 2013 sales volume. To date, the soft drink company has replenished an estimated 108.5 billion liters of water back to communities and nature through 509 community water projects in more than 100 countries.