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Standing Up for The Science of Sustainability

Yes, science matters. It sure is refreshing and motivating to see the herds of public and private leaders standing up for science. These leaders are the ones that are getting the data necessary to make good decisions for their business, brands and stakeholders as well as for the global citizen. These are the forward-thinking leaders who are building resilience. These are the leaders that are creating a sustainability revolution. 

Yes, science matters. It sure is refreshing and motivating to see the herds of public and private leaders standing up for science. These leaders are the ones that are getting the data necessary to make good decisions for their business, brands and stakeholders as well as for the global citizen. These are the forward-thinking leaders who are building resilience. These are the leaders that are creating a sustainability revolution.

At Quantis, we get this. It’s been our voice since day one– some 10 years ago. From the start, we have been developing, implementing and activating solutions based on the science of sustainability with our partners. The journey has been a challenging adventure with a great, collective learning curve: today science has taken its rightful place at the core of sustainability strategies and actions with a metrics-based approach.

“The sustainability revolution has the breadth and magnitude of the industrial revolution but it has the speed of the digital revolution."

- Al Gore

The impetus – the big bang – came just a year and a half ago at COP21 with The Paris Agreement. Having the world’s leaders in one place to speak about the impacts of climate change and the necessity to make bold and serious commitments to slow global warming was a collective call for serious change. It made things real for the masses.

COP21 answered the need to deliver a solid framework to help companies navigate the GHG emission reduction journey. This framework serves as a guide for companies to develop their sustainability roadmap and makes it easier to develop a climate strategy aligned with a common goal.

Science + Business = Allies in the Revolution for Resilience

With the science and the framework defined, many companies are swiftly setting goals and building action plans. Commitments are made before their consumers and other stakeholders. Reduction initiatives are up-and-running.

Perhaps these companies were urged on by a collective movement to make commitments, but the silver lining is that now companies see clear ROI:

Businesses are powerful platforms for change. Successful business leaders are future-forward thinking champions. Indeed, there is a revolution happening in C-Suites across the globe. Sustainability officers are being heard and their leaders are making bold commitments for change. You can also listen to our webinar on the Seismic Shift in Eco-Design to hear how L’Oréal Group’s CSO Alexandra Palt is being heard as part of the CEO-supported “Sharing Beauty with All” strategy.

Leadership takes courage. And with leadership comes responsibility – a responsibility to stakeholders and to the world. Industry must continue to work together, to lead and be vocal.

Are you with us in the sustainability revolution?

Stand with Quantis to inspire, to innovate, and to foster positive and resilient change!