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Quantis is tagged in 48 stories. Page 1 of 3.
Report: Food & Beverage Sustainability Plans Missing Critical Levers
Report: Food & Beverage Sustainability Plans Missing Critical Levers

4 months ago - A new Quantis report has identified several common gaps in company strategies that will keep businesses sustainability targets out of reach and five key priorities for companies to adopt.

Our Innate Psychology Is Fueling the Climate Crisis — Here’s How to Combat It
Our Innate Psychology Is Fueling the Climate Crisis — Here’s How to Combat It

1 year ago - We can’t keep communicating about climate change in ways that feed our evolutionary prejudices and continue kicking the can down the road. We must outsmart our biases using strategic communication tactics so we can take action when it matters — which is now. Here are 3 ways to hack our brains for climate action.

New Tool Keeps Sky-High Eye on Sustainable Agriculture’s geoFootprint
New Tool Keeps Sky-High Eye on Sustainable Agriculture’s geoFootprint

3 years ago - The multi-stakeholder geoFootprint initiative, led by Quantis, allows businesses to assess risks posed by changes in climate, water availability and quality, soil health and biodiversity to secure supply chains and the future of food.

New Guidelines, 2020 Brand Audit Aim to Finally Move the Needle on Corporate Plastic Stewardship
New Guidelines, 2020 Brand Audit Aim to Finally Move the Needle on Corporate Plastic Stewardship

3 years ago - Since scientists first raised the alarm about plastic pollution in the environment, brands have been slow to respond. Will the 2020 Brand Audit and new plastic-stewardship guidelines help accelerate an overdue shift away from single-use plastic?

Report Outlines Critical Actions for Beauty Brands to Sustainably ‘Make Up the Future’
Report Outlines Critical Actions for Beauty Brands to Sustainably ‘Make Up the Future’

4 years ago - A new report published this week by sustainability consulting group Quantis maps the urgent actions that cosmetics and personal care brands must address to achieve sustainability in today’s fast-changing world.

New, Standardized Guidelines Measure Plastic Leakage Across Corporate Value Chains
New, Standardized Guidelines Measure Plastic Leakage Across Corporate Value Chains

4 years ago - Developed for companies, the PLP guidelines provide businesses at all stages of the value chain with a robust, standardized method for calculating and reporting estimates of plastic and microplastic leakage at both the corporate and product level.

Starbucks Commits to a Resource-Positive Future, Giving More than It Takes from the Planet
Starbucks Commits to a Resource-Positive Future, Giving More than It Takes from the Planet

4 years ago - In a public letter to all company stakeholders, CEO Kevin Johnson sets 2030 science-based targets for carbon, water and waste as part of a multi-decade aspiration.

Quantis Guidance Ushers in New Era for Industry Land Use, Forestry
Quantis Guidance Ushers in New Era for Industry Land Use,  Forestry

5 years ago - More than 40 organizations banded together to develop a solution to a major challenge: how to effectively and reliably account for GHG impacts from land and land-use change to prevent deforestation and promote soil restoration.

‘Round and ‘Round We Finally Go: Why I Believe We’ll Achieve a Circular Economy, Part 1
‘Round and ‘Round We Finally Go: Why I Believe We’ll Achieve a Circular Economy, Part 1

5 years ago - While a growing number of industries are working to eliminate waste globally, two in particular — which happen to be two of the world’s biggest culprits where waste is concerned — also have me feeling particularly inspired.

Trending: Collaborations Continue to Fuel Solutions to Plastic Pollution
Trending: Collaborations Continue to Fuel Solutions to Plastic Pollution

5 years ago - These days, we can’t go a week without the launch of another initiative, innovation or collaboration aimed at eradicating plastic waste around the world – which means we may actually have a fighting chance at doing it.

PAIA: A sector-driven tool to drive transformation in ICT
PAIA: A sector-driven tool to drive transformation in ICT

5 years ago - Information and communications technologies (ICT) have revolutionized the way we communicate, collaborate and work. Now, they’re emerging as a critical tool for slashing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by helping companies and consumers consume energy in a more intelligent and efficient way. While ICT is being used to shape smarter cities, transportation systems, industrial processes and more,  the industry is also a net source of GHG emissions.

Quantis Endorses EMF New Plastics Economy Global Commitment
Quantis Endorses EMF New Plastics Economy Global Commitment

5 years ago - Plastic waste and pollution have captured the attention of the public, governments, and businesses around the world. The search for solutions has started, and there is growing recognition that quick-fixes that address the symptoms is not enough. To effectively switch off the tap on the plastic problem, a systemic shift to tackle the root causes is needed. To further accelerate the sense of urgency and momentum gaining around marine plastic litter, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment.

Trending: Global Beauty Industry Joins Forces to Drive Sustainability in Products, Packaging
Trending: Global Beauty Industry Joins Forces to Drive Sustainability in Products, Packaging

6 years ago - Collaborative efforts are advancing sustainability in the beauty industry. FIrst, supported by contributions from major brands and retailers, Forum for the Future and The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) have produced a draft assessment tool for evaluating the sustainability of beauty and personal care products, with the goal of simplifying and aligning the wide array of product assessment criteria in use today.

WEBINAR Measuring Fashion: a look at how the global apparel and footwear industries size up to their environmental impacts
WEBINAR Measuring Fashion: a look at how the global apparel and footwear industries size up to their environmental impacts

6 years ago - Gain insights into the first science-driven study to perform and assess the environmental impacts of the global apparel and footwear industries. The global apparel and footwear industries together represents 8% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Our panel of experts will talk us through the results as well as explain the levers of actions that will help fashion brands and businesses implement viable and sustainable change. Join us for an interactive discussion! Join experts from ClimateWorks Foundation, Quantis, and the NRDC as we look at this ground-breaking study and how it could change the future of fashion, March 28th at 5 pm CET / 4 pm GMT / 11am EST / 8am PST

First-of-Its-Kind Report Examines Global Environmental Impacts of Fashion Industry
First-of-Its-Kind Report Examines Global Environmental Impacts of Fashion Industry

6 years ago - Measuring Fashion: Insights from the Environmental Impact of the Global Footwear Industries Study considers the industries’ value chains across seven stages — from fiber production and material extraction to end-of-life.

New Calculator Illustrates Extent, Environmental Impacts of US Meat Consumption
New Calculator Illustrates Extent, Environmental Impacts of US Meat Consumption

6 years ago - The US consumes more meat than any other country in the world. But what does this mean for consumers on a personal level? Blitz Results has created a new calculator that shows users the impact of their dietary decisions on the environment. The tool calculates the resources required for an individual's consumption of meat, and provides users with a glimpse at how eating vegetarian alternatives can help drive down their impact.

Measuring business performance in the circular economy
Measuring business performance in the circular economy

6 years ago - The vision for the circular economy is to decouple economic growth from the use of global resources. Naturally, circularity raises multiple questions for industry, including waste management, consumer behavior, corporate responsibility and decarbonization. The challenge is to move from a circular economy vision to a viable and sustainable business model. While circularity provides a framework to potentially reduce corporate environmental footprints, it takes sound measurement with a Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) methodology to guide companies to prioritize and analyze the effectiveness of their efforts. The prize? Purposeful business aligned with the limits of the planet.

Step, step, run…leap!
Step, step, run…leap!

6 years ago - At the One Planet Summit in Paris last week, a kid in the audience asked the question: “Isn’t it too late to make a difference in climate change?” The question certainly resonates. From the latest flurry of climate conferences and warnings from scientists, we tend to hear a lot of doom. Many say we’re not going fast enough, we’re missing the targets, or “we need action, we’ve had enough talk!”, as summed up Governor of California Jerry Brown at the One Planet Summit, a high-level event organized by French President Emmanuel Macron that convened leaders from all over the world to showcase and find solutions to our greatest problem.

The Product and Organization Environmental Footprint Initiative: A gold standard in the making
The Product and Organization Environmental Footprint Initiative: A gold standard in the making

6 years ago - Imagine you have landed in 2030. You walk into your usual grocery store. Only this time, every product sports a label to help you make your purchasing decision based not only on price, or calories, but also on environmental impact.