SB'25 San Diego is open for registration!

thinkPARALLAX style "board meeting" at Sustainable Brands 2016


Sustainable Brands again held its annual North American conference in San Diego. As always, business leaders and representatives from companies throughout the world convened in San Diego to discuss their role in creating a more sustainable future. As usual, we loved taking part in the event. We hosted a conversation about San Diego's ambitious goal of using 100% renewable energy by 2035. Our CEO Jonathan Hanwit looked at how the power of purpose and leadership is fostering greater cross-sector collaboration in San Diego. We heard from the City of San Diego, local utility company SDGE, and the San Diego Airport on how they're partnering to ensure we are the first city to reach this ambitious milestone. In all, Sustainable Brands was a great opportunity to converse and share ideas with many like-minded individuals for a few days.

However, as San Diego locals we also felt it was our duty to show our guests why sustainability is so important to us. To do this we had to remove them from a typical conference setting and remind them why our planet is so great. It didn’t call for a panel discussion or another breakout session. It called for a thinkPARALLAX-style “board meeting.”

The accompanying video shows what happens when you take a bunch of sustainability practitioners, provide them with surfboards and wetsuits (and beers!), and give them a chance to reconnect with the heart of sustainability – using mother nature’s ultimate playground, the Pacific Ocean.

CSR, cervezas, and surfing? Only in San Diego.