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Infrastructure and Innovations for a Hydrogen Economy, Supplier Sustainability, and Vehicular Safety (Sponsored)

Breakthrough innovations demand more than just clever thinking or new technologies; they require a complete reimagining of entire systems. Honda, in its pursuit of zero traffic fatalities involving its vehicles and zero environmental impact by 2050, is collaborating with a diverse array of stakeholders. Together, they are driving advancements in the hydrogen economy, electrifying core products, working with suppliers, and developing connected systems to enhance mobility safety. This session will delve into the infrastructure development necessary for hydrogen creating systems-level change with suppliers as well as addressing the human, technological, and systemic challenges associated with vehicle safety. What Your will Learn: * How one company is creating systems-level change * Trend and challenges in supplier sustainability and the hydrogen economy * Takeaways on how to create systems-level changes with a complex network of stakeholders

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